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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Well not unless they were full of live ammo, fuel all crew equipment etc.... My Sherman is 29500 kg, others will be less.
  2. Pic 4 is a Meteor M120 from Conqueror and 7 looks like a Chietain suspension unit.
  3. I would agree with all that you said Mike except...... My M75 developed a similar fault in that it would run for about 20 minutes and then lose power and stop. Using the booster, which is independantly controlled, I could extend the running a little but this confirmed it was ignition. After 30 mins or so, it would start and run ok for another 20 minutes. I had new coils fitted in the mags and it has been fine eversince. Tests confirmed the coils failed a hot test. Seems a huge coincidence but they were both of a similar vintage and broke down over time in the same way.
  4. Hi Steve, I'm afraid I don't though I suspect Mr A from the island might.
  5. Rather amazingly, that very turret arrived at my yard today to be repaired for shipment to.......Australia!
  6. EFC stands for Equivelant Full Charge. As 25 pdr used incremental charges, records needed to be kept to allow calculation of the EFC and hence barrel life.
  7. This is us recovering the turret from that Crocodile back in 1990ish. I've driven miles over all of the plain, was much safer than a helicopter!
  8. That sounds like ignition. I assume it's magneto ignition in which case the coils may break down as they get warm. Less likely if it's coil ignition but can still happen. Have you checked whether there is fuel or sparks present at the point it stops?
  9. I don't know what the FL stands for, if anything but it is common to other British guns such as 6 Pr and 75mm. It is a part number prefix and the number following it is the number of that part. So no, they should not be all the same number on a gun.
  10. Just realised who steveo578 is! Hope you are well Steve.
  11. Oh no, we can't have the enemy knowing who we are you know, let alone our own side! Seriously though, it is a fascinating subject.
  12. It is a Crusader which was at Beverley, it came from Salisbury Plain where it had been a target. The formation sign is 1st armoured division.
  13. It's a good idea and if I lived nearer I would be up for it but I'm not even doing Tankfest so it's a no from me I'm afraid.
  14. I don't know, these newbies posting with a list of their vehicles...... ah, hang on....:whistle: Glad you made it Adrian.
  15. Nooooooo! :argh: It is a Cromwell........:cry: A MkIV with an F type hull and still retaining one of it's turret bins. Sorry, Cromwell trivia on full there! Never heard of The Black Tent, I see it was made in 1956 in Libya.
  16. If someone bought all the 'bargains', he must have paid what was being asked. If he subsequently put them up for sale at a higher price, nobody was forced to buy them so banning him seems a bit OTT. However, greed is apparent in many facets of this and every hobby.
  17. This is the company I buy mine from. http://www.sapphireproducts.co.uk/641t1.htm
  18. The thought has just occured.... bit slow this morning! I will be taking the Sherman to Armour and Embarkation in Doset next June. If you can wait till then it will be much more local to you and I know there will also be a Stuart there of the type used by your uncle albeit with a turret. It should be a very 'immersive' experience. Just a thought. Adrian
  19. Hi Paul, you and your uncle will be very welcome, just sorry it's so far for you to travel! Yes, just PM me nearer the time and we can chat about the details. Regards, Adrian
  20. First is a 40 ton full trailer, Rogers shown in post-war British service.
  21. The second to last is a plant trailer with a Mk1 Centurion turret on it being unloaded by a Cent ARV. Wonder where that turret went?
  22. I think that's a good idea. When I get a free hour, I'll pop down to Dorset......!:-D
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