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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. If you have a dating letter, you will be issued with an age related number. It costs the same as any other vehicle to apply for the registration, the only difference is a GPW is taxed as historic so is nil rate of duty.
  2. Looks like a GPW chassis. Oh the irony!
  3. Personally, I would ignore the US registration as if the DVLA think it has had a replacement chassis fitted, they will want to issue a Q plate. I know that is not the case but that's how it will look to them. I would just register it as what it is, get a dating letter from a recognised organisation and away you go!
  4. Yes it is odd what survives. I suspect the Feldom M4 was sent to the UK as an example of what was then on offer with regards to Sherman. The intention to phase out non UK tanks put paid to any more being supplied. If so, there is probably a file on it somewhere at Bovington.
  5. I think the picture copyright is with the photographer but Google Earth is a bit of a red herring as the pictures there are taken from public areas not private property.
  6. I reckon it made him jump!
  7. A new turret has been procured together with a new gun assembly. SPTA is probably the only likely source of a glacis in the UK but even that is unlikely as only a small number of the M4A4s there were DV and most if not all have long gone. Coupled with almost impossible access and restrictions make it a probable non starter.
  8. Steve, I've just had a re-read of the Churchill thread and seen your questions about the Sherman. It is an early M4, DV and rivetted lower hull, remanufactured with full applique, late single piece nose and spaced out suspension.
  9. Amazing how the hook itself caught the line! You'd never do that if you tried..... not that I am suggesting anyone should!
  10. Steve, the Sherman has gone for restoration. As you know, it is in pretty bad shape and needs a complete new glacis plate which has yet to be sourced. I'm trying to get the owner to hold out for a DV front as it is a very early, rivetted hull M4 but as any Sherman glacis plates are hard to find, he will probably obtain whatever he can.
  11. I'd still like to see that written in a legal form. The museum thing is more a 'condition of entry' statement rather than something that would stand up to copyright infringement as I understand. I'll try and find the previous thread.
  12. Are you sure about that Lee? AIUI, copyright exists with the originator, i.e. the photographer unless he was working for someone else or as agreed beforehand. In all other cases, copyright would be his. Given your ability to turn up legal texts, I await your response! :-D
  13. To be fair Jack, the original press release claimed the Tigers would weigh over 50 tons and have a 1000 hp V10 engine so the end product is not quite what was being claimed at the start. An excellent effort none the less and I look forward to seeing one someday.
  14. I agree with much of that Mike and I wonder how long it will be before someones blames it on dyslexia!
  15. That's a Jagdtiger. Not sure if Saumur have one but Bovvy does.
  16. I don't think you'd get an Autocar through the gates.....
  17. I look forward to meeting you David and I'm sure I'll be partaking of you wares! :coffee:
  18. Well, no offence was intended but as you have taken some anyway, I will attempt to answer you without resorting to childish accusations. My question was a genuine one, you stated it may be too expensive ''just for the publics entertainment'', I merely asked if that was your main reason for attending. I have been in this hobby for over 26 years and have seen it change in many ways, one of which is the increase in reenactment. I have no problem with anyones level of interest and whilst I do not participate in that side, I have nothing but respect for those who do. I have noticed some who are essentially 'playing at soldiers', nothing wrong with that as the public love a good battle! Others, the living history side go to great lengths to achieve historical accuracy for which I admire them. I have worked with both and have no problem with either. You have no idea how much or indeed how little money I have, just because I have some nice vehicles does not mean I am a rich man. I have owned most of mine for nearly 20 years and have restored them all from wrecks. They were aquired at a time when scrap tanks were just that, scrap and were next to worthless. My Sherman for example is fully restored as a result of over 4000 hours work by myself not to mention several years finding and scrounging bits and pieces. I don't consider £1500 a waste but it is a lot of money to me. I too have a mortgage and a young family and I discussed attending the show at length with my wife because of the financial implications. As a result it will be the only event I attend with a vehicle next year. I am attending the event or a number of reasons. Firstly because I enjoy operating my tank in a location other than a small show arena. I also like to have the tank with other tanks and owners. I particularly wish to support the show as Jack has and will be putting in an enormous amount of work creating something unique in the UK. I certainly do not need or desire public or indeed reflected glory. Lastly, I am in the MVT and have been since 1983. I have never detected any anti-reencator bias but then as the Military Vehicle Trust, I do not expect to find articles in Windscreen about army underpants.... Your reply was quite offensive and seemed to be deliberately so. I do not take offence easily and certainly not when the offending is from a position of ignorance. If you do attend A&E, I will have a drink with you hope you are less confrontational. Regards, Adrian
  19. I refer you to my suggestion (second post) :coffee: :-D
  20. You'll have a field day with some members on here Mike......:-D
  21. Of course, the other bidder may well be pondering with hindsight, 'what the hell was I thinking?' :shocked:
  22. Colin, I'm not a reenactor so this is a genuine question. Is public entertainment the only reason you reenact? A&E will probably cost me in excess of £1500 and believe me I can ill afford it but if it wasn't for the shows content and atmosphere for us participants, I wouldn't be doing it. I'm certainly not going just for the publics benefit.
  23. The reason the helmet made so much is the 'I must have it' syndrome. Of course, if you do that often enough you end up with a pile like Marks...:-D
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