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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Thats a damn shame, he looked like he had a few more good years ahead of him yet. Will we see another collection broken up for auction?
  2. Its been on there a while now, price has been reduced recently. Would be an unusual vehicle to own in this country, I cant recall seeing another one over here, seen pics of one or two in Netherlands. I did make him an offer on it recently, but it was refused, probably not a bad thing as I need to spend money on the other vehicles!
  3. You will have to let us know if we are able to watch it via a webcast or similar.
  4. So are there any plans for it to be televised?
  5. Im sure I saw mention of the filming on MLU?
  6. Thanks again, what sort of gloss synthetic paint? Thinking about the powder coating issue anyway, it would not be a good idea as there are a couple of parts on my chassis which need welding, so powder coating out of the question. On another note when I asked about the body tub there was a sharp intake of breath from the other end of the phone, "Oooo dont ever bother blasting a body tub, the metal is too thin and you will end up with nothing..." Has this guy got the equivalent of a the Hoover Dam as a shot blaster? Surely a decent blaster will be able to guage what is required?
  7. Was there mention of your exploits being filmed Kuno?
  8. Thanks for the swift comments, I dont know why the bloke is so anti red oxide. I suppose it is the modern approach, but as Nick says, red oxide done them for 65 odd years and they didnt have powder coating then.
  9. Just spoke to a company about taking the Willys chassis away to get it blasted as they do landrovers etc. I told the bloke I had planned to red oxide it once it had been blasted then paint it. He said that i shouldnt do that, instead what i should do is powdercoat the chassis or galvanize it. Galvanizing is a bit extreme for it, but was considering powdercoating it. But would you get the right OD colour match powdercoating. Any advice?
  10. Hello and welcome aboard, what vehicle do you have , just so we know what parking permit to issue with for the clubhouse car/lorry/truck lot.
  11. We have been selling a lot of the Haynes Spifire and Lanc manuals recently. This bloke was looking at the Lanc manual in our shop and said he had been picking up bits of a crashed bomber from a field not too far away from me and gave me its rough location. Is there a generally accessible website of crash locations or any info available on the web? Intrigued...
  12. Ive seen pics of them mounted on CMP's. Will try and dig some out.
  13. What is the odd looking tri-prop plane, the one with a number 5 on its nose?
  14. Is it from outside a museum? if so, can you tell which one?
  15. Billhooks?? How on earth did you find a gap in a market selling billhooks?? The mind boggles sometimes....What does the BBC want with Billhooks?
  16. You sound like you have been to some sort of Guru Jack?! We are doing some heavy marketing at the minute, experimenting with different and seeing some positive results. 3 out of the past 4 months have been up on last year. hopefully with car dealers/main agents going to the wall we will see a rise in people keeping their old cars- good for us. On the other hand I need some armour! So Im going down the cheap and cheerful route of looking out for a well priced Ferret, something mid priced running that needs cosmetic or minor work to finish. Getting the jeep chassis and tub sandblasted and cracking on with that hopefully. Getting the Morris cab completed by the end on Jan. Lastly haved bboked time off to go to War and Peace this year-at long last!
  17. My nearly 3 year old daughter told our son Dan- 9 months that, " You are trying my patience!" When he was trying to get her feet. I blame Mrs W for that phrase. (I think Beckett will be in bed by now with his mogadon)
  18. Thanks for those Radek. In the second lot of photos, the vehicle looks like its been standing outside. Where is that from?
  19. Looked like the tyres were about to pop on the flatbed.
  20. Surely knocking up a couple of BARCs would be more impressive.
  21. You dont need to carbon date him, like tree rings, if you cut a section through his barnet and count the curls/ringlets that should give you a rough date. Happy birthday Jack.
  22. Agree with that Richard, you only have to look at the work that the SdKfz Foundation does to appreciate that, as well as others Like Kevin Wheatcroft et al do. So it would be fair to say that german WW2 armour is in a totally different league than allied.
  23. You will need that Scammel to tow in the welcome biscuits and teabags you will need. Wipe your feet before you come in and put your brolly in the GMC air filter canister by the door, Jack wont be needing it now so we had to find a use for it. Welcome aboard.
  24. Have you got a date or place for the photo Nick?
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