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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Now what you need is NMA doing a gig at something like Jacks do in a couple of years, or Bunker bash...
  2. Quite correct and yes it still has the cloth filter inside, very clean looking too.
  3. Well I never, i think I must have most of their stuff on CD. Will have to check that out on iPlayer, thanks for the tip.
  4. Blimey Jack you have been busy! Where did you get the fighter crash info from?
  5. A before and after pic of part of the workings of the Morris. An imaginary prize will be given to whoever identifies it! Before. After.
  6. Just a quick update on things are going on. Much of the work has taken place on the cab courtesy of my man-at-arms Stuart, he has been working like a trojan over the past few days. He has had his work cut out, as he has trying to make the cab panels using the old cab as a pattern which is pretty difficult as most of the edges have rotted away. We are nearly ready for a test fit on the chassis, then we will be able to tweak it a bit.
  7. This website is worth a look. Type in some of your local villages or towns in the searchbar and see what comes up. Ive found 3 bombers which came down in local fields just 10 minutes drive away, a good excuse for fieldwalking I think. http://www.lostbombers.co.uk/
  8. 39c....tell me thats not the temperature there....:cry:
  9. Aha! I did wonder from the Lat and Long co-ordinates you gave me, they seemed to be opposite UK ones! Plus when I did a search for the aircraft number on google it came up with an Aussie one. Another possible recorded match for mine is a Halifax(?) that went down near Silverstone, but its well recorded and a few miles out of the way. Quite a lot going on when you start looking into it...
  10. Thinking about it though, you say the co-ordinates were slightly off? The bloke who I originally got the site off, did say another site a mile or two away, I just assumed he got the place wrong. A case of places and names getting distorted by history as time goes on. How do I get the site location given on the crash map in a modern setting?
  11. Guess so Mike! Blimey Shakey is that the crash map for my area? I never knew such maps existed! What I need to do is tie up the Beaufighter number with that map, I will be amazed if it is the same! Nice one.
  12. Was it one of the ones from Finland which came up last year? Do you have the turret?
  13. "Monty was one of only two or three people in Deanshanger who owned a motor car before the war, and during the war almost all cars had to be laid up for lack of petrol. A Beaufighter crash landed in one of his fields, near what is now the Kingfisher Club, the crew escaped although the fuel tanks ruptured, they were very lucky there was no fire. Monty filled several cans from the leaking tanks, but, although he was a magistrate, he was prosecuted for using the petrol. The village chuckled because the very high octane fuel also ruined his engine."
  14. Not that one Mike, theres one near Deanshanger, one of the local characters got arrested for draining its fuel tanks after it crashed. Will post a link if I can find it again.
  15. Im on a roll now, its a locally based website with info but a fascinating read. http://mackz.net/cm_samplearticles.htm
  16. Bit of digging around on the www, looks like it wasnt a Lanc but a Beaufighter, narrowed the area to about 4/5 fields just need to find a bit more info on it.
  17. Make sure Jack doesnt see that picture..
  18. I did come across one some time ago somewhere up North, i was enquiring with the bloke about some C8 parts he had. If I remember right he had a quad limber up for grabs at the time. Dont know what happened to that?
  19. Hello and welcome aboard, good to see another Iltis owner on here! We are a rare breed and looking after!
  20. I would be out there with a trailer grabbing as many as I could!
  21. Welcome aboard Mark,have fun!
  22. Not unless you come as far as North Bucks! Thanks all.
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