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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. It owuld be but mines on the 14th! 35 again! :-D
  2. So who's going to make some enquiries....... :whistle:
  3. Rick W

    UAZ jeeps?

    Anyone had any experience of owning a UAZ jeep? Know of any common problems, rot places? Is it the same process for getting a Soviet vehicle registered as getting a British vehicle registered, is it just as easy? Thanks in advance.
  4. Tony! Theres an Austin Gypsy in the new issue of Land Rover Enthusiast. 1964 Fire Tender for restoration £1,500. ;-)
  5. A quick read of "The jeep in British Army Service" will make you soon realise that jeeps were heavily adapted in the field. Having all sorts of various body modifications (theres one with a corrugated tin roof!), various tyre combinations, various paint schemes etc. If a jeep saw service it more than likely had some adaption to it, even the paint work from what I know. A "perfect" jeep probably only existed on the factory floor.
  6. Afew prods in the right direction....a group discount on a ferry crossing...a field/campsite to set up.... Imagine a ferryload of vehicles disembarking in the harbour to mark the event. I wonder if there is enough interest?
  7. So if "someone" could offer this at a discounted rate for HMVF members, would we have some interest in it? :whistle:
  8. I think you mean "Disconnect the battery before you do anything" !
  9. Theres something for Jack to do! Organizing a field trip to Jersey with HMVF recovery vehicles! Sounds like the CIOS would be up for that, so would I! Great publicity too. Im sure it wouldnt take much too swing some wheels into action..... ;-)
  10. Just a quick photo of the number after the scraping back of the layers of paint. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/jeeplog007.jpg[/img]
  11. Only a few photos, but I thought I may as well post them. Observation tower, one of two, with emplacements below. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/photobackup2074.jpg[/img] A small part of the Brock Battery http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/photobackup2039.jpg[/img] Brock Battery gun placement http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/photobackup2036.jpg[/img] Brock Battery bunker as seen from the beach side, its fairly large! http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/photobackup2035.jpg[/img] A nicely restored Flak 88 outside the museum. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/photobackup2017.jpg[/img]
  12. I dont know if he is, but found an interesting story relating to him and a Tiger. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/gaz/vt.html
  13. You only have to register with Customs and Excise if you are producing over 2,500 litres a week. The govt at the minute is quite happy for people to make and produce their own fuel- "they envisage that up to a third of people will produce their own fuel within 5 years" A small ready made system to put in your garage costs about £900, which includes filter, tanks and a pump with nozzle to fuel your vehicle. The reason you have to change the fuel filter at least with your first tank is because bio-diesel is a very effective cleaner, so the more gunked up your tank or lines are you may have to change it a few more times. Bio-diesel isnt recommended for pre-1996 vehicles because natural rubber is used in the fuel lines which b-d eats! You can use b-d in pre 1996 vehicles but you would have to change the fuel lines for the modern day synthetic fuel lines.
  14. Thanks Nigel, I wish Id known that before we went! We drove past La Hougette at least twice a day as we were staying a couple of hundred yards from it! Just checked the CIOS website, very good, especially the Jersey one.
  15. You could have a British owned jeep! The guy who bought the ambulance off me had until recently 6 Champs. He just sold off 4 of them, but he reckoned they were a great ride, but yes, the back axles are a weakness.
  16. Hello, be good to see some pics of your Morrises! Its nice to know there are more of us out there, and its a very "British" collection youve got there, unless Im much mistaken! 8-)
  17. Mystery solved (I think!). Further scraping below that number I found B380 stencilled. That tallies up with the overhaul depot number B380 on the chassis plate. So it must be a work reference number.
  18. You have your work cut out there! I would take the body panels off and get the chassis sanblasted, it makes things a lot easier, and it makes you more optimistic! A lot in common with the C8GS of mine and a couple of the other bods on here, so any help or advice just ask. I had to get my wings completely fabricated. If your tanks are too rotten cut the ends off, wrap and weld sheet metal for the main body onto the original ends.Good luck with it.
  19. You just need to organise youself a bit more Joris! All the best with the move. ;-)
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