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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. :rtfm: :rtfm: :rtfm: Air transportable mini-submarine...I give up...must do work now... :died:
  2. :rtfm: :rtfm: Air transportable flotation/bouyancy device?
  3. :rtfm: An office pod, or similar for vehicles?
  4. Dont worry about it! :roll: :angel: Just think of the fascination and wonder in her eyes after her hard day at work, when you regail her with your fantastic research.........hopefully anyway.... :shake: On the same subject. Anyone wanting to do a bit of research into the last year of the war, which probably saw most of the casualties, with the German offensive, then the Allied offensive which followed, would do well to have a copy of this book. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/41MT9PEFE9L__AA240_.jpg[/img] Lyn MacDonald has written a few superb historical books on WW1, and detailed enough to trace units by. (Thats my evening sorted!)
  5. I couldnt work out his first name? Googled his father (quiet day in the office!), Henry Charles Jackson and mother, Emma. Henry came from a large family of 12 other brothers and sisters. Part of a family tree on t'internet, couldnt find out much more about him. If you want to get more details on his locations , you will need to get to see the war diaries for his unit. i was lucky enough to pick up a set of these for my grandads unit actions in the BEF 1939 off Ebay.(+ a detailed commemorative copy of all casualties). For his father and brothers (his uncles), 3 out of 4 of which died the last weeks of the war, I managed to trace more or less from village to village their movements. Internet, a couple of good detailed books from amazon or similar, and a couple of trips to the local library, can open a lot of doors, and remarkable stories...
  6. Also worth a look for everyone! http://sedgleymanor.com/people/addiss.html
  7. On August 15 1918, Haig refused demands from Foch that he continue the Amiens offensive, even though the attack was faltering as the troops outran their supplies and artillery, and German reserves were being moved to the sector. Instead, Haig began to plan for an offensive at Albert, which opened on August 21. The main attack was launched by the British Third Army, with the United States II Corps attached. The second battle began on August 21 with the opening of the Battle of Bapaume to the north of the river itself. That developed into an advance which pushed the German Second Army back over a 55 kilometre front, from south of Douai to La Fère, south of Saint-Quentin, Aisne. Albert was captured in August 22. On August 26, the British First Army widened the attack by another twelve kilometers. Bapaume fell on August 29. The Australian Corps crossed the Somme River on the night of August 31, and broke the German lines at Mont St Quentin and Péronne. The British Fourth Army's commander, General Henry Rawlinson, described the Australian advances of August 31-September 4 as the greatest military achievement of the war.[1] By September 2, the Germans had been forced back to the Hindenburg Line, from which they had launched their offensive in the spring http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/775px-Western_front_1918_allied.jpg[/img] Work in progress.... ;-)
  8. On the day he died there were three major actions that took place on that day. Just have to work out where his regiment was on that day and you could have your answer. Battle on 23-mile front; Troops of First Army, supported by tanks, break through Drocourt-Queant "Switch" line, south of Scarpe, capture Cagnicourt and Villers, encircle and take Queant by nightfall; 10,000 prisoners. On Lys front British also gain ground, and north of Peronne, where Sailly-Sallisel and whole of St. Pierre-Vaast Wood re-taken. General Mangin continues advance north of Soissons, captures Neuilly and Terny Sorny.
  9. Something to stop something from going bang! ;-)
  10. How does your mind work Andy....? :shake:
  11. Here it is, got my brake hoses and seal kits from them. http://www.powertrackbrakes.co.uk tel; 01753842680
  12. So you're thinking of changing the logo that my overalls are adorned with!? Overalls......what overalls...! :roll:
  13. Been using a Sealey one for the metalwork on the Morris, so much easier than shears! Worth getting a spare head with it though! I can supply if you have any troubles.
  14. Whats the second one down? I dont remember seeing that?
  15. 1)Lights, starter button and seats for the Morris. 2)Jeep bits-any. 3)Something armoured. 4)A crate of beer 5)My daughter and better half leaving me alone long enough to enjoy it! 6)Socks
  16. Ive got a suppliers details at work, so will post on here tomorrow. Redoing the brake cylinders couldnt be easier, again the same place supplies the seal kits. ;-)
  17. Christmas is coming, a few bits of tinsel...jobs a good'un!
  18. Would you be able to get update, or work in progress pictures? Without getting into any trouble though!
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