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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Highly recommended, great pics and even better tales!
  2. I feel a Jersey holiday coming on for next year! :whistle: Any dates gladly taken into account! :whistle:
  3. My better half posed the question on why they didnt dismantle all the bunkers etc after liberation. My only answer was that they served as a reminder, and they are made of such huge blocks of reinforced concrete its nigh on impossible, or impractical to delete them.
  4. I think this series has just been re-released. Its an essential history of WW2 first broadcast in 1973. What makes it all the more poignant is that most of the people interviewed in it actually took part. Some very good/sobering film footage. Its about 20 hours worth of documentary so not for the feint hearted! I can thoroughly recommend it.
  5. I thinkits important for them to know this.It is family after all. I only wish my grandffather would have felt able to talk about his experiences.. He was in the BEF and got hospitalised before the Dunkirk evacuation, he never talked about it although was obviously mentally scarred from it. On the other hand his twin brother who now lives in Canada, and has recently come over for a visit maintains that he had a "better war" than his brother. But he doesnt like to talk about it. He did go to the MVT do at Chapel Brampton, Railway at War, and had a great day though. He's in his 80's and had a jive!
  6. 2 Years!!! The tide goes out such a long way on the CI's surely a sea/beach recovery would be the best option. Hasnt the CI's got a tidal range of 12 metres?
  7. Always on the look-out! Saw one being transported on the back of a loe-loader near Stanstead last week pulling out of a junction. The other half threatened to pur a bucket of cold water over me. She doesnt understand....... :roll:
  8. The occupation museum in Guernsey has got the end of the Mirus barrel that was cut off as a souvenir. I vaguely remember being able to go down into the battery when I was a nipper some 20 odd years ago and all the original german signage still being up on the walls. No health and safety, seemed to be in some allotments....those were the days!
  9. Ask your teacher about Russian involvement in the invasion, see if they have an answer. Its a chance to educate us old'uns! ;-)
  10. You lucky human being! Wheres the pics! Did you get it yourself or with others? Where did you find it from, it wasnt on Milweb thats for sure! :-o
  11. Id like to see those photos. Our trip to the Guernsey Occupation museum recently, there was a couple of artillery barrels sitting outside the museum, they were chucked off the cliffs as well. They had a nice Flak 88 out there as well. I dont suppose anyone can tell me where the Mirus gun battery is? I tried 3 times in vain to try and find it and couldnt.
  12. I would think that would need more spending on it than it was worth at that price. :schocked:
  13. As per Larry's comment. Correct me if Im wrong, but the Soviets were allied with Germany at the beginning of the war so probably would have supported the invasion, but Ive never seen or read anything which suggests uniformed troops or complete Russian units invading.
  14. We done a little on the politics of WW2 in history at school, but not much. It was only when I opted for an A Level on 20th century history that we covered it in detail. From what I understand they have completely dropped it from the national curriculum.
  15. I think we've gone a bit off topic here guys! ;-)
  16. I never realised you were so "earth-friendly" Lee! You are quite right, you can make fuel out of just about anything that grows these days. And, yes, you are right about wheat stocks falling which is largely due to bio-crops. Bio -crops also need a high level of fertilizer, intensive farming. So you are solving one problem and creating another. Also the cost/carbon footprint of converting raw vegetable matter into bio-ethanol as opposed to fossil fuel is virtually the same. Palm oil has got to be the most intensely farmed and destructive agriculture around the world at the moment. And Tony is right Brazil used to be fairly dependent on imported petrol, now they are totally self sufficient in bio-ethanol and Volkswagen has produced a car specifically for Brazil to run on Bio-ethanol, called the Gol. When I started this thread I initially wanted to know if anyone had bought or used any oil converters, and if so what company was it? 8-)
  17. Nice little vehicle, Im sure I could find space for one of those! Never seen one for sale though.
  18. No,no,no,no,and no. That is Bio-fuel petrol, and yes am well aware of the destruction of rainforests. That is mainly through the production and the Wests (and China!) appetite for palm oil. Waste vegetable oil you get from you local chippys, or big tubs of cooking oil. Or if you want to get clever from Oil seed rape, or corn. Ever wondered why you see so many fields of yellow rape plants these days compared to 10 years ago? By 2008 all diesel you buy on the forecourt will have a minimum of 5% bio derived fuel.
  19. I think you are partially right there regarding hazardous waste. But us being a vehicle garage have a hazardous waste licence anyway. To produce domestically you dont need a licence. To produce it commercially you need an IPPC licence which does cost anywhere from £1500 up, depending on the volume you produce. If you collect the WVO a licence costs £150 per 2 years. Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation "In the future, the DoT estimate that up to 1/3 of the fuel in the UKtransport sector could be produced from home grown Bio-fuels"
  20. The economics of oil seed rape for making it are very touch and go, the best alternative is waste vegetable oil which you can get for free from your local chippy, as they normally have to pay to get it taken away. Even if you have to buy it in, it only costs 27p. The economics of using WVO work out at about 47p tops, with a retail of 88p -ish. Would you use it if it was available locally and it was cheaper than standard diesel?
  21. Times have changed now Tony! The use of Bio-fuels rose by60% last year in the US alone! And there are incentives to produce it! 2,500litres of it tax free, and clean enough to run in brand new cars.
  22. Loosely related to MV's, especially if you got a Reo I suppose! Has anyone on here had any experience with bio-fuels, more so bio-diesel. Not just in the use of it, but primarily in the production aspects of it. The import of the equipment from another country, the distribution of it, the supply of the waste oil to convert to bio-diesel. Bit of a long shot, but no harm in asking.
  23. Yes Ive just done it myself! Its all Ok and working, just thought I would check! Britain at war Magazine have kindly offered all members of HMVF at subscription discount. 12 copies for the price of 9 which works aout at aprroximately £25. You cant do it through their normal subscription page on their website you have to ring them up on their contact number which you will find under "Contact Us". Ring them up and ask for a subscription and tell them you are an HMVF member. They are a friendly bunch, and its a good offer not open to anyone else! :-D
  24. Click on the link on the front page, you should find their contact number at the bottom.
  25. I refer to a previous comment..."Its an investment for our daughters future luv...
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