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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Thats a good find! I googled him and came up with more about his father. It will answer a lot of peoples question, especially about the man himself. A great story of the Tiger Tank driver.
  2. Its enough to give you the Willys! :shake: Welcome aboard.
  3. Have a good day! First round is on Mark! :dancinggirls:
  4. Very possibly, I think there are many strings to the Wheatcroft familys bow!
  5. Lets just say my parents are more familiar with his father, Tom Wheatcroft. Tom Wheatcroft owns Donnington Park racing circuit, has what is probably the worlds largest collection of Grand Prix/ Formula 1 cars, and is very well known in the constructiion industry! He started from very humble beginnings and I believe has an interesting autobiography.
  6. There was one up for resto on ebay recently, and a diesel one, seemed very reasonably priced, hence the question.
  7. Alternatively, get your local paper to be involved with the story. It would be a great run up to Remembrance Day a story like that, and good publicity.
  8. Do come on in! Its good to see some Chevrolet C8's in all their guises. I was looking for one a few years back and they all seemed to have disappeared, now I know where! Post some pics of them so we can see(If you can work out how to post them in your "initialisation"!) ;-)
  9. And if you are really lucky you will own a Brit vehicle! :roll: Welcome aboard!
  10. You could always ask your local friendly vicar if you could have a place for the stone in the graveyard, maybe leaning up against a wall.
  11. If it was me though I'd do a bit of research first. Was he English or not. If he was, find the http://www.cwgc.co.uk and type in his name to see if he has been registered and has a permanent memorial in one of the graveyards.
  12. Nice pics Lee. Do you know who supplies parts for them Richard?
  13. I dont know a lot about these particular vehicles. Were most of them built primarily by use for the military, or were some built for civvy use as well?
  14. Hello, Im glad you could join us, Im an aspiring Ferret owner! One day.......one day.... ;-)
  15. And i thought I could be an anorak where tyres were concerned! You'll have to give more of a clue about your blooper! Wasnt anything to do with an MW by any chance was it?
  16. Good news on the interview questions for Kevin Wheatcroft, he has very kindly answered all questions that some of you posed, as well as some of mine. Have forwarded the responses to Snapper, so if there is any delay in seeing the answers then please blame him! ;-) The answers do make for interesting reading though! Thank you Mr Wheatcroft!
  17. I completely forgot that I ordered them it was so long ago! Are they still green, or have they faded a bit now?? ;-)
  18. Thats the picture Ive been after! Top marks to that man! I was trying to tell my better half how it was disguised as a cottage...she didnt seem that impressed though :? Great photo :-D
  19. Thanks guys, I will do a price comparison of getting parts from the UK, Europe and US and see how they compare. Engine and gearbox I intend to find a reasonable 2nd hand ones and rebuild. Dallas Dig out might prove to be useful. I think thats the end of the month, anyone got a date on that?
  20. If I remember rightly there was a horse drawn field kitchen, of the type stored in the tunnels, in the Occupation Museum.
  21. Agree with both comments, especially about the shaky camera thing. Ive found that difficult to watch, or maybe Im getting old!
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