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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. I dont suppose you could give us any hints about a cheap flight to Jersey/Guernsey could you? ;-)
  2. Spotted it! :tup: :tup:
  3. I know a couple of us on here are from the Channel Islands. We are looking for a late family holiday but are finding bookings difficult, and prices extortionate. Does anyone in Jersey, preferably, have any access to self catering cottages or any good local info. Thanks in advance. :?
  4. If you start to go down the route of "common sense" and "logic" you are on the wrong forum! ;-)
  5. Jack Ive just tried to give you some money for overalls and tshirt, but I keep getting error messages, are you "fixing" the server again? :computerterror:
  6. Looks like you would give Hanslope park a run for its money with that lot! Welcome aboard ;-)
  7. Anyone who enjoys cooking hot dogs in his armour must have some hidden secrets! :-D And flaunts it as well! :whistle:
  8. Hello, any chance of pics of your vehicles? Humvee= very deep pockets, especially when refuelling I should think. Mind you looking at the other vehicles you must own a string of petrol stations! Welcome aboard
  9. A very good point Lee, apparently is was in the British army, according to the bloke. ;-)
  10. Some ex-soldier has purchased the landrover ambulance. I had to move it on through lack of space. I wanted something smaller that I could fit in the garage and eventually use on a day to day basis. So this weekend I am taking delivery of a restoration project 1942 MB Jeep. The Morris is still priority, but Ive promised myself for ages that I would get one some day. A long term project. I know I may have said the odd comment on the "foreign" vehicles, but it is smaller than the Morris, so thats OK. Obviously a Jimmy would be totally out of the question! So if anyone knows of any parts I would be glad of any leads, especially complete engines/gearbox. Or copys of manuals PS Please dont take the mick :whistle:
  11. Youre a star Paul thanks for that, I think Im about to join the dark side this weekend! :whistle:
  12. Ok, try this one, chassis no. 170378 1957 rebuild reg no on present v5 is 1552MX. Any takers? Would I be correct in thinking that is a 1942 build?
  13. Thanks again chaps, as helpful as ever!
  14. Now Im being a bit thick,. Is there a way on the G503 site to search for any record of a vehicle using just a chassis number.
  15. Thanks guys, would you get an age related no. plate, if you just had the bare essentials of a vehicle, Im guessing that it would be enough for the MVT/IMPS to verify it, or would it need to have an engine?
  16. Brit vehicles - good start! Post war- well we all have to start somewhere! ;-) Welcome aboard.
  17. Thanks , the website isnt very user friendly, but its got the basic info I need, many thanks.
  18. Us there an online resource where you can tell how old a jeep, (GPW, MB etc) is from a chassus code on the chassis plate?
  19. Fairly steep hill in and out of Portland ,I take it your brakes worked OK? ;-)
  20. It is a scam! I thought it was too good to be true and enquired. And it is too good to be true. Dont touch it with a barge pole. Asking for the buyer to send money transfer without even seeing it, and some very dodgy emails made to look like they came from ebay, but were obviously cut and pasted!
  21. The wearing of uniforms is a hotly debated issue, especially where it concerns the use of SS. It is still a part of our history that we should not forget Notwithstanding, we should not let a holocaust denier enter our events. I await Monday evening with interest.
  22. Medium for me please. (Beautiful things come in small packages!)
  23. Ive yet to see the prog to be screened, but I cant see it as being very positive. I agree with all sentiments about that bloke, he must live on a different planet.
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