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Everything posted by mogmaner

  1. Glad to be of help ,the fort is a familer sight to me as i grew up in the area ,will ask my uncle if he has any close up pics as he fishes the waters near the fort.
  2. The fort is Bull fort in the river humber off Spurn point ,there is a second fort hail fort off cleethorps .hope this helps.
  3. Hope to make it over the weekend ,good show.
  4. looking at the pic of the com i would say ,clean com with fine emy or wet and dry check brushes for free movement and replace if worn down ,also check starter brushes are not stiching this can give the simptons you have.
  5. Yes i can see that the lock stop has been welded back on crudly.
  6. I thourt the dif at first till i looked at the manual ,
  7. Must admit that the track rod end in the center screen dose not look to healfy ,must confes i have my mates pig manual in front of me trying to work out what has failed on his charging system.
  8. Do i spy a track rod end that has been welded up?
  9. Im mid way through fitting a 300 tdi in my 90 ,the wiring has been some what hacked over the years ,been a 1984 2.25 petrol when new the wiring semes to not taly with the diagram i have. Has any one the circit for the early build 90s. any help will be much apiciated.
  10. This is oure other toy witch will need tyers when funds permit ,will ask around for you this week as a frend is fitting tyers to his engine .
  11. The people you want to talk to are the lads with the mini steam,there was some one in the warwick area if i remember corectly ,making road bands for the steamers in the size area your looking for.
  12. Just got in from peak rail ,been a good day dispite rain this morning .Will be back in the morning.
  13. Took the mog up this after noon ,took a little longer than planed due to the genarator on my mates humber pig refusing to charge after it cut out for the third time matlock towed pig and bofer the last 3 miles .Will have to try and fix it tomorow, look forward to puting a face to the name.
  14. Yes the heater is very odd yet seams to have been very well thourt out with the heater rad on the engine bay side of the bulkhead ,the heater rad is probly 5 or 6 times larger than the one on my 90 ,so would have been very worm in the cab.Could it have been an early form of arctic heater.?
  15. Heres some more the bulkhead will require alot of welding ,yet the chassey is sound right down to the corect rear cross member, the heater fitted is of a type i have not seen befor.
  16. Managed to get pics sorted today so here are some of them.
  17. Lost you email addres so here are the wheel i have let me know if these will help .
  18. This has proved to be a intresting thread from my first question ,has raised a lot of yousfull info and coments .Hope to get some pics over the weekend witch i will post on here.
  19. Landing craft moored at Beeston marina Nottingham
  20. Havent got it yet, but still working on it.
  21. Hope to make it on the 28th, not sure if in mog or car yet .
  22. Its located about 5 miles from me so no transport costs involved ,the bulkhead will need some work on the botom of the door pilers and were the ruber seal fits under the screen but foot wells sound,will be going down during the week to do a better inspection, but on first inspection the chassey looks to need no welding .Thanks for the gide on prices will see if i can get it at a sensible price.
  23. Been helping a mate sort some sheds at his farthers place found a rover 8 GS in a dismantled state, can any one give me an idear of its value, hoping that i can get hold of the moter chassey seems sound bulk head will need work but seen worse ,Its service number is 74 EN 08 think this is about 1964/65 .will get pics next week.
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