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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. Anyone used no gas mig welders? Was thinking about buying a cheap welder for general jobs on the landy, must be able to weld a plate on the chassis. Whats your opinion guys?
  2. Recieved a reply from rex, will show you all when I see you in person.
  3. oooo, a nice big tank for us all to play with.......... Yes please!
  4. This could be an idea for a HMVF day out, greenlaning?
  5. Must admit, I always wear my seatbelt in the landy, would not fancy hitting the dash at any speed! If i'm honest, I would much rather be in my mondeo in a head on crash than the landy.
  6. Grandad was REME during the war and attatched to the LRDG for ages. They were so impressed with him and his work they made him an honourany memebr and gave him permission to wear 2 cap badges on his beret, so it was not just monty who wore 2 cap badges!
  7. Got a ticket once for parking without lights on a lorry I was driving. Went out and bought LED red and white lights and used them on the off side, no more tickets. And being LED, no battery drain.
  8. I'd second halfords, my dad's a britool man and even he is impressed with halfords stuff.
  9. I went to duxford and the victory show this year, and because they were further north I saw alot of mv's I had not seen before, which was good.
  10. Cheers lee. I win a crate of beer!!!!
  11. Me and the dodgy squaddies were having a chat the other day about how many members of the public visit the w+p show. This quickly turned into a heated debate with the figures ranging from millions! to tens of thousand. What do you reckon.
  12. What about the perv in the first picture, hes on the floor taking upskirt shots!!!
  13. Use my landy a few times per week to and from work.
  14. This show is, without doubt, one of the best shows of the year. The aircraft were superb and the show was run like clockwork. Plenty of toilets that were cleaned twice a day, everyday and the catering wagons were charging sensible prices. The bombing run by the vulcan was simply amazing! We went to the dance on the saturday night and it was superb. I reccomend that you make this one for your dairies for next year. These ladies have sons/husbands serving in afgan and spent the whole weekend camping like the boys in afgan. This tank is built on the chassis of a british 432, and a pukka job the man has done on it to!
  15. Recieved and working brilliantly!! cheers mate
  16. This show is a must for me to! Going thursday.
  17. When me and the boys go to a show, my dads at the front and I bring up the rear. I was thinking about getting a set of walkie talkies so my dad can have 1 and I have the other. Just want to use them when we are in convoy so I can call my dad instantly to let him know to stop for tea or wee's wee's. Looking to spend under £20, any ideas?
  18. Must admit, over the years, Ive heard 'stories' about NLBA, however, on the few occasions I have spoken to thier members at show's I have always found them polite and friendly.
  19. rambo1969

    a question

    If the owner is there, I always ask first, no one has ever said no.
  20. Whats the point of having a quiet field if people have all night parties? W+P is billed as a family show after all. I for one don't mind people having a party, as long as it finished at a sensible time. Music off at 12, but can carry on chatting to the wee small hours.
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