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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. Well done degsy! I reckon the front vent panel was rotten so the previous owner welded a plate right across the front! Parked illegally? it's london, we all park illegally!!:-\
  2. I got into a tank once, took me bloody ages to get out of it!:-D
  3. My dad has sold his champ and bought this; After I painted it. Can you spot what is unusaul about it.........
  4. This is the 90 fred has bought. I have included before and after photos of when I painted it. It was painted by me useing synthetic satin paint and applied with a gloss roller. Before I painted it we rubbed it down useing a daul action sander and the cleaned of all the dust and grime. I used 1 litre of paint and applied just 1 coat. Came out very well I think.
  5. I may go to the IMPS show, but, and this is a big BUT, it depends on how much they charge to get in, and where the money goes, if the money is for costs and a donation to a MILITARY charity, then I have no problems with that.
  6. Yep, it's 2 pack, VERY dangerous, when I used it to spray my classic cars I used to use a british army gas mask! TBH, your better off with synthetic paint, won't kill you and you can thin it with white spirit.
  7. Me and the boys will be comming to overlord, work permitting.
  8. I'm doing the following, Sailsbury plain. Bunker bash. Essex MVT show. Victory show Beltring. I'm hoping to fit a few more in, work allowing. How bout you?
  9. Welcome to the wonderful world of landy wiring!!
  10. Ive found the hardest code to work out is, woman speak! They say one thing and mean another!
  11. Hope your not getting into 'adult' films jack...........
  12. Dodgy squaddies= 12x12, 2x 9x9. Grass area please.
  13. I can remember as a cadet freezing my nuts of when on camp:-D
  14. I am one of the guilty ones that did'nt visit the unofficial HMVF camp site.:nono: The thing with beltring is that it so big sometimes you just don't meet up with everybody you want to! Will make the effort this year with a nice supply of cakes!!:-D
  15. Once you start working on MV's for a living, the love for them can go out of the window.......... The problem with running a garage, and my dad and I did it, is you need plenty of equipment, and even if you have no work you still have to pay rent on your premisies. Its a hard one to call.
  16. Maybe its the water pump...........
  17. Most of what has been said. Change your thermostat, the heater on my 110 was poo!, new thermostat fitted and nice and toastie!!! When I had my lightwieght I sealed up all the holes in the bulkhead(dum dum is good for this) and blanked of the passenger demist and foot heater, this forced more hot air to the drivers side.
  18. No probs with other sites.
  19. Having problems getting smilies on my replies, ive tried clicking on the ones on the right, but no joy........
  20. You'll be doing a marathon, there will be that many runs............
  21. Blimey! this has gone on longer than come dancing!!
  22. Don't sit near me!, my feet smell, ive got bad breath and fart alot!
  23. The public had access to my mates field, they could walk onto it. Motocross racing circuits have public access. Ive looked at the RTA, but can't find anything specific in it about 'public access'.
  24. What WAS that secret ingridient in rambo's cake!
  25. During W+P the kent police are well used to convoys of MV's on the road. I don't mind being last, as I have a convoy number plate and super amber lights.
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