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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. Had a great time! A very relaxed and friendly show at an excellent location. Was treated to low fly by's by the mustang on several occasions. Met up with a few members from here and we were camped oppisite ian and lee, ian even gave me a bit of his chocolate!! I felt honoured, hehe. This show has to be a must for everybody. I think ian quite enjoyed scrubbing my back!! Bloody broom was a bit rough though! hehe. My dads favourite vehcile of the show; We watched the mustang land and he parked right in front of us! result! Best medium vechile winner; Took me all weekend to capture this clip; <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i229.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid229.photobucket.com/albums/ee240/fleet19rambo/SNV32025.flv">
  2. Bring back boy hood memories cat?....... hehe
  3. Sums it all up really, camped in the quiet field and kept up by a party all night! Where were the marshalls/security? This is why we need 24hr security that can be contacted by phone 24/7.
  4. Me and the boys went on saturday, I took my camera but forgot to charge the battery!! DOH!! We had a great day, the battle renactments were very good with plenty of loud bangs! Plenty to look at, and the show was very friendly. Plenty of CLEAN toilets as well! The only downside was the caterers charging £1.50 for a cup of tea!! I wished show organisers would cap the price caterers can charge, even if it meant charging them less for being there.
  5. It needs enforcement of health and saftey and the RTA.
  6. Thompson's water seal for me, done all my tents with it and cheaper than 'proper' canvas waterproofers.
  7. 137000 tickets avaliable at glastonbury(according to the BBC), which is an event based on music at lots of alcohol, can't see the comparison with w+p. Ive been going to w+p for about 15yrs and have always enjoyed it, however, the lunitic quad bikers are getting worse every year and starting to spoil it.
  8. Can I say that I have never had a problem with the showers or the toilets in the shower block, this is due to the fact that there is a cleaner there all day which helps. Can I also say the every marshal and member of the hop farm team I spoke to this year were polite, corteous and friendly.
  9. The problem is that rex is the face of w+p so gets all the flack. I would say the biggest complaint every year is the toilets.
  10. Must admit, I have never had a problem with the showers. As for lack of water supply, thats what portaloos were invented for! Years ago they had blocks of 4 portaloos scattered all over the americas field and they were always clean, why can't they do it now?
  11. Got banned from my local jet wash one year after washing the mud of my landy! Apperently I block all his drains.
  12. Me and the boys arrived on fri 17th and when I entered the site I saw the trailer toilets and thought to myself "at last, they have the toilets sorted", how wrong I was!! I was camped in the americas field(from now on known as AF) oppisite the toilet trailers. Whilst wandering around the site on saturday I bumped into rex and told him them toilets in AF were not open and his reply to me was, and I quote, "the toilet people are on site, I will get them to open them for you", this was said in front of my dad. I also told him that 2 of the mens cubicles in the toilets by the entrance to the hop farm were out of order. On sunday the toilets were still not open so I went to the booking in tent and informed a lady there who said she would get onto rex and sort it. I had another wander round the site and noticed that the toilets in the monktons field were open and the toilets in the quiet camping were also open. Late on sunday afternoon the toilet contractor turned up with about 60 portaloos and put them oppisite where I was camped. I asked him when the trailer toilets would be open and he said he was not contracted to open them until monday. He said if I could get him 15 gallons of water he would open 6 portaloos, so me and a twickenham off roader got the water and he opened the portaloos for us. Monday morning came and the toilets were still not open so I wandered over to talk to a marshall who I had been talking to via the internet before w+p and told him the toilets were still not open. He got straight on his radio to the hop farm site manager who said that toilets in the AF were opened on sunday! The left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing? The toilets in AF were eventualy opened monday afternoon. The toilet contractors did clean/empty the toilets everyday, but once a day is not enough for a show the size of w+p IMO. Whilst comming back from the shop later in the week I noticed portaloos and a trailer in the public camping area and wandered over to have a look. In the public camping area there were 21 portalos and 8 showers!. In the AF there were 14 sit down toilets and a mens urinal. The toilets that I mentioned earlier by the entrance to the hop farm? They were not fixed all week!!, as complete disgrace. I can remember when I first started going to w+p 15 years ago there were blocks of 4 portaloos scattered all over the AF and they were cleaned everyday, why don't they do this anymore? The main question I would like answered are; Why did rex tell me the toilets would be opened on the saturday, even though the toilet contractor was not due to open them until monday? Why were the toilets at the entrance to the hop farm not fixed for the whole duration of the show? Why don't w+p have the toilet contractors on site all day cleaning the toilets at least 3 times a day? Why did the public camping area have more toilets and showers than AF even though the public camping field is a quarter of the size of AF? The cynic in me thinks its because the public pay over £100 to camp and rex did not want to upset them. Why were the toilets in the monktons field and quiet camping area opened before the AF? I feel rex is to blame, after all its his face all over the promotional material and he is the show organiser. When I went to overlord last year, they had toilets everywhere and the toilet van was on site all day cleaning them, if overlord can do it, why not w+p. I really do feel that w+p have firmly stuck 2 fingers up at us this year. Rant over.
  13. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil!!
  14. Camp gaurd!! Upon arrival; Cats french cousin, le' cat-weeeezle' A nice pic of the lanc;
  15. The whole toilets facilities were a disgrace this year!! I have tried twice to post a full story on the toilets but keep getting logged out, will try again tommorow.
  16. No 24hr contact number for security/site officials though. "hi, is that the fire crew, can you sort out the drunk that has just run over my tent". 24 hr, uniformed security with contact numbers. On site 24hr 'troubleshooter' in a clearly marked vehcile. toilets toilets toilets!!!!
  17. Someones been telling tales........ I had a few to many......
  18. Had tickets for the glen miller dance sat night, which was a complete waste of time.......
  19. TBH, w+p has become a free for all. Every year they say RTA applies on site and yet nothing happens! I saw rex in his discovery waiting at the traffic lights with a quad bike with 3 10 yr olds on it and he did not say one word to them. If the show organiser won't say anything, what chance do the marshalls have? I was talking to a marshall in the americas field who wanted the banned group from last year removed, and he told me rex said they could stay!! On a positive note, I did see a marshall stop a young lad on a quad bike and escort him back to where his dad was camped.
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