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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. I must say that each time I have spoken to rex, I have found him to be very polite and friendly. I have got the bit between my teeth and have done some rough calculations, call me sad!:-D You will see that I have rounded down alot on w+p incommings in order to be as fair as possible.
  2. Are you gonna make it a camper dave?
  3. According to my working out, that works out at approx 25mpg, which is pretty good for a landy.
  4. If it was a non money making show, the I could understand why there are not enough toilets, but w+p must make fortunes. The overlord show, The imps show and the bunker bash all had excellent toilet facilities, and they are tiny shows compared to w+p. The toilets at this year's w+p made a BIG difference to my enjoyment of the show, it's not nice walking into the toilet everyday and finding them blocked!
  5. I looked at them, how do they work? if they plug into the cigar lighter, how does current get to the battery?
  6. My dad calls wd 40 plus gas, I keep telling him it's wd 40, not plus gas!:-D
  7. There is one in homerton london E9, chatsworth road, E9, can't remember the name though!
  8. I think, ultimatley, it boils down to due care and dilegence. If someone stored something with me, I would send them 3 letters, royal mail special service and post a notice on what was being stored. If it went to court, I think the law may be on my side. Can of worms though.......
  9. http://forum.landrovernet.com/index.php Try these guys, I have found them spot on with landy advice. 127 landy eh, lucky sod!
  10. Blimey, I better remove my grandads photo then!
  11. Jeremy clarkson. Al murry (did the d day thing in a jeep a few years back) British leigion. History channel. ?
  12. Not seen the card, but, must admit, I think it's a nice touch.
  13. That is a very interesting point and has got me thinking...... Does that mean, in theory, that any piccies posted on here must be posted by the person who took the photo, or can prove they own the copyright? I put a piccie up of my grandad during the war, god knows who took it or who owns the copyright, I might be getting a letter asking for royalties!:laugh:
  14. I think they did something simular a few years back, a load of stuff in metal cages I seem to remember.
  15. Cut the bulkhead out with an angle griner, fit a bracing bar and a set of defender seats, job done!
  16. He became a sgt in the RA, my nan said he loved bikes during the war but never rode one when he came out! I have some letters he wrote during the war to his pre war employer, when I get time i'm going to post them up on here.
  17. I am a large chap, and when I had my lightwieght the best legroom improvement was a smaller steering wheel.
  18. Right, time for my thoughts to thier letter..... The 1st thing is, I wrote to the hop farm owner because it was suggested on here that rex was not to blame for the toilets. The reply is from REX. As I said before, rex is the face of w+p and must accept responsibilty for the show. As far as I am concerened, rex has done what he does every year, blame the toilet people! Every year the w+p website says "we are aware of the toilet problems and have sorced a new supplier for next year". I spoke to the toilet contractor, and he told me the toilets were not due to open until the monday and he had supplied exactly what was asked for. w+p has been running for 25 years, they should have the toilets perfect by now! Other shows don't have the same sort of problems with thier toilets. Overlord's toilets were perfect, why can't w+p's be the same?, money! pure and simple. More and more people every year either hire thier own toilet or take one, and this plays into rex's hands. I also asked about lunitic quad bikes and drink drivers and yet there is no mention of these issues in his reply. A complete whitewash, as far as i'm concerned!
  19. This is a picture of my grandad during the war. The 'chris on the headlamp cover is short for his 1st daughter, christine. Somewhere in england I think. I think it's a brilliant photo, taken by someone who knew what there doing! Any ideas? Photo removed, I don't know who owns the copyright.
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