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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. Lee, they are BRILLIANT!!!:-D Is there a way of doing 1 for free?
  2. Berlin, after the wall came down?........
  3. Finally, i'm in charge of something!:-D I voted yes, but i'm booking my own toilet!
  4. Not talking to my grandfathers more about thier wartime service.
  5. Happy chrismas to you all, ive done all my shopping!:-D
  6. Rainham, Essex, tonight when I was leaving work; On the way home tonight people were driving like bloody main:argh:acs!
  7. I tried to find out when the para's were going to have thiers in colchester, council did not know, para reg did not know, how de we find out when these parades are?
  8. Some very interesting points raised..... I can understand the 'if you don't like it, do go' opinion, however, the reason I go to w+p is that there is not another show as big, where I can spend a week there. I for one can understand how hard it is organising a mv show, ive seen ian and lee running around like headless chicken's at the bunker bash! :-D But, w+p has been going for 27 years, they should have it down to a fine art by now. Lee has said he has extra toilets and showers at next years bunker bash, if he can do it, why not w+p? The toilets at the bunker bash have ALWAYS been excellent. You will see in my letter to w+p, I told them about the toilets at the entrance, 3 mens sit down loo's, 1 had the door missing and 1 had a lock missing, surely the hop farm have an 'on site diy/handy man', these toilets should have been fixed as soon as I reported them, and yet they were broke for the whole duration of the show. The IMPS put on a new show this year and the toilets were excellent. It's almost as if w+p are saying 'sod you lot, you will still come back!'. At the moment, the pro's just about outwiegh the con's at w+p. When I win the lottery, I am going to put on the biggest and best mv show ever!!:-D
  9. I'm in the process of putting a 2.5 petrol in my 110, my mates got a 90 with the 2.5 petrol and it's a really nice drive. I think it boils down to what you use your landy for.
  10. Some excellent points there jack, the thing I just don't understand is why w+p charge mv owners and yet reenactors get in free.. I don't think anyone should pay to get in anywhere when you are spending money, car boot sales even charge an entrance now!:argh: Imagine tesco's charging to enter? I am all for a company making money, but when rex say's "our previous toilet contractor was beyond our budget", that really gripes me. To be fair, I would pay to attend a mv event, but, and this is a BIG but, I would expect the facilities to be PERFECT!! The thing that frustrates me about w+p, is we know it's possible to have excellent toilet facilities at a mv show, it's just that w+p choose not to.
  11. The worlds largest mv show, and mv's have to pay to get in!, go figure.......
  12. I get my paint from my local car paint supplier, I use synthetic satin finish, for the outside you will need about 2 litres; All above done with a short pile gloss roller.
  13. Electric/air sander to remove paint, and the satin finish NATO green/black, makes keeping it clean alot easier!:-D Will post some piccies of ones ive done later.
  14. And just imagine how guilty you would feel, even though it was not your fault.
  15. The way I look at is that it's my hobby and I enjoy it :-D Fuel this year? bunker bash, £20 all in. w+p, £50 all in, Victory show, £70 all in. imps show, £30 all in, dymms hall, £20 all in.
  16. Agreed loggydriver, I would like to see, on site 24hr security in uniform, which are contactable by mobile phone patroling the site 24/7. A condition of entry should be that every body does what the security team say and will be ejected if they don't. Imagine the nightmare of your mv being smashed into by a drink driver and trying to get the police to the site, a few simple touches can make all the difference! I'm sure alot people will be going this year with kent's health and safety phone number ready in case the toilets are not up to standard!
  17. I get about 25mpg from my defender as well, but i'm fitting a 2.5 petrol lump into it in feb so will see what the differece is then.
  18. I am going to assume I have got my figures wrong and allow another £200000 in out goings. That still leaves a gross profit £297000!! I worked out that 165 portaloo's and 10 mens urinals would be enough for w+p, and the price quoted is what I pay for just 1 toilet for the week, i'm sure w+p could get a discount for having so many. You will also see that I have allowed £3500 for cleaning the toilets twice a day for a week. A map of where I think the toilets should be;
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