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Everything posted by mike65

  1. mike65

    Stressed C130

    Found this whilst looking for stuff. Thought somebody might be interested This is some serious stress damage http://www.tonyrogers.com/humor/polish_c130_airframe_stress_test.htm Mike
  2. I could buy some shares but probably not enough to make any real money and nowing my luck they would join the banks. There are a few problems with converting to the alternatives. I believe stills are illegal and I would be to tempted to sample the product. I would also forget to pay the fuel duty so I would have HMRC officials hunting for me. I believe you still have to pay the fuel duty. http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageExcise_ShowContent&id=HMCE_PROD1_024771&propertyType=document#P6_326 Having looked at the above site I would also spend most of my time filing out forms and trying to convince them that because the fuel guage always reads empty "I am obviously not using any fuel as the tank is always empty and as such I do not need to pay any duty". Somehow I do not think that will work. I also doubt I could make or carry enough to go on a long journey. Mike
  3. Yes I suppose the biggest problem with public transport is the public. I am still convinced it works better in cities though. Have just tried using a public transport journey planning website. Land Rover currently in bits at my parents 5 miles away, removing propshaft and transmission brake on my sloping drive was deemed to be a bad idea. Bloke opposite also might not like it parked on his Subaru. According to the website it will take about 50 minutes to go the 4 miles to the nearest bus stop, about 1 mile from their house. Not only do I need to walk the last mile I also have to walk two additional miles (1 each end). It appears that buses only run from town centres on a Sunday. Luckily my tools are in the Land Rover. Oh well better bite the bullet and buy some of that expensive petrol, Probably cheaper than bus fares for two people anyway. Mike
  4. Ah the smell of bovine excrament. Seems to me that it makes no difference they are just no good at maths or nobody has cottoned on to it. Lets see price of a barrel goes up 20% price of fuel goes up 22%. Price of a barrel goes down 20% price of fuel goes down 15%. The pound becomes weak against the dollar the price of fuel goes up. The pound becomes strong against the dollar the price of fuel does not change. End of year oil companies report increased profits, executives get big bonus and share holders get big payouts and all are happy. We have no choice as we need to buy fuel as public transport does not work outside of big cities. Now lets see I could either convert my Land Rover to ddiesel and run it on the waste from the chippy or curry house. Alternativly does anbody know how to convert a petrol engine to alcohol and and have instructions on how to turn a Sankey bowser into a still? I suppose I could also do a Mad Max and run it methane. I knew bovine excrament would come in handy. Mike
  5. mike65


    Well this has been a few hours of very interesting reading so I think I had better add my opinoin. Original - an interesting word could mean several things existing since the beginning, or being the earliest form of something not the same as anything or anyone else and therefore special and interesting Based on this the first is unachievable unless you have the item hermatically sealed the minute it comes off the production line. ones it has unit markings etc it no longer complies with the first meaning. However when it receives markings or any subsequend changes it does comply with the second meaning. As such you could say my Series 3 109 FFR with aluminium durbar plating and Ford Escort seats is actually original as it complies with the second meaning (not the same as anything else). The PO's obviously liked these items and the seats are probably much more comfortable, however I do not believe these were an in service modifications. However I believe that by "original" we are talking about is representing how a vehicle looked or may have looked at some stage during its career/lifetime. Unless you have an accurate photographic record of your vehicle or can find a previous service person who operated it with a photographic memory you can never return it to exactly how it was. I feel that there should be some accuracy in how a vehicle is "restored" or "portrayed" and the items/accessories should all be appropriate for the type of vehicle and the period of its life you have chosen to represent making it in some way an authentic representation. I do not think that you should mislead people into thinking it is something it is not. After all have you tried finding a "real" Ford Escort Mexico, I have seen 4 door, estate and even van versions advertised. I do agree that things can and should be changed to make a vehicle safer and keep it running. I would rather see something moving with a fictitious paint scheme or non standard engine than have it left to rot, turned in to bean cans or stuck in a museum store. As such I have no problems with a Buchon painted to represent a 109 because it is atleast flying and people get to see it doing what it was meant to do. I also believe that you can get carried away with restoration and return a vehicle to a better condition than it eve was. I saw an example of this at the new yew year in Madeira where they had a classic car rally in Funchal. I saw the only Series 3 Land Rover ever to have perfect body panel fit, alignment and gaps. Rolls Royce would have been proud of it. However it all comes down to you pays your money and you make your choices. Wether you return it to how it came of the production line, paint it pink, change the engine it will be in some form "original". I think it is important that we try to be authentic and not try to fool people into believing that it is something that it is not. I have no idea what my FFR should acually look like and exactly what bits are missing. I will obtain bits as and when I can find them and fit them. If I post pictures or you see the vehicle and something is "wrong/inappropriate" I will appreciate the guidance. Mike
  6. These must be the Mark Nein versions
  7. Yes I am regularlly visiting Ebay and don't expect to find anything fast. I also need to research and make sure I get the bits I need and not what somebody thinks I need, if you know what I mean. I am also not going to rush with items on Ebay as I have noticed somethings appear to be bargins untill you see how much they want for postage and I know people who have offered to collect items only for this to be met with point blank refusals, so you know they are marking up the postage or other things worse. Have joined the EMLRA forum and am considering joining up, but will wait a bit fr this. Got a car to tax and insure on top of sorting all the little things on the Landy so it drives and passes MOT. You know the important things, brakes, headlights that point forward and some tires (seem to have cracks in the sidewalls bigger than the tread pattern) Mike
  8. Yes let us get it back on track. So here is a formation with an interloper. Could explain the tendancy for "crash landings" if H98 makes it a habit.
  9. I know I have surrendered but here is another Douglas TB2D Skypirate/Devasator II Length 14.02m Wingspan 21.34m - bit longer if the wings were straighter And with contra rotating props Only built 2 in 1945 obviously got cancelled at end of the war Mike
  10. Grumman TBF Avenger Length 12.48m Wingspan 61.51m OOPS it should be 16.51m OK I surrender there are actually quite a few larger than the Skyraider Mike PS need a smilie waving a white flag.
  11. Just out of interest do you have the Top Trumps Single Engined Propellor Aircraft edition? If not I think we are well on the way to inventing it. Mike
  12. Theres a picture of a single engined replica on Wikipedia its in Winnipeg. Looks like I need to go there again and stay more than a few hours. Mind you it did involve a 4.5 hour flight in a HS748 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junkers_Ju_52 http://www.wcam.mb.ca/junkers.html So the Rolls Royce Buzzard was a Canadian modification if you visit the museums website probably along with the floats. Mike
  13. Fairy Battle Wingspan 16.46m Length 12.91m Mike
  14. Are both holes the same overall diameter? Did you get it with mismatched head lights or none. It looks like somebody has had to make one larger. possibly at a later date to fit a replacement headlight. I don't know about the series 2 but the military and civil spec headlight bowl are different because the way the lights mount. Mike
  15. I agree the Antonov is a bit bigger, could explain the need for spare wings and have seen pictures of some in military colours. I forgot about this one, but can anybody think of anything else. But maybe not as usefull. AN2 payload 2140 Kg Skyraider 3600 Kg Took these from Wikipedia so they are probably wrong. Mike
  16. Although technically a Seafire is cheating, altough many would not know the difference Seafire XV11 SX336 and for the the fans of Hurricanes and other single piston engined planes in formation with Sea Hurricane 1B Z7015 and AD-4NA Skyraider (don't get much larger than that) Mike
  17. So it seems my idea is not that stupid after all. although it maybe safer just to swap batteries over. Need to sort that part of the electrical plumbing out later. Mike
  18. Have seen the thread about the quarter scale version of AR213, a fine piece of work. There seems to be a lack of Spitfires, and I think it should be rectified. So here are a few. Lets start with AR213 (MK 1) Wycombe Air Park (Booker) circa 1981 and again at Shoreham in 2008. Then I have one of my favourite shot of PL344 (Mk 9) taken at Shoreham in 2009 Mike changed because my computer had a mind of its own, but was probably the operator. after all spend ten minutes trying to start the Landy on tank 2 (empty)
  19. Having a land Rover FFR (with 2 batteries) I have been doing something that is dangerous (thinking) and have come up with an interesting thought. When you have the radio batteries installed you have 4 in total, 2 for the radios and 2 for the Landy.. Therefore if the Landy batteries are flat and it will not start can you use the other two to jump start yourself? Is this a totally stupid idea or has somebody tried it? Mike
  20. I new you could have problems with heat and tires but did not realise how little heat you actually could need and the delay that can occur. Makes me feel lucky that nothing happened when I drove 10 miles with a siezed brake caliper on an old Cavalier. Was glowing very nicely and melted the wheel trim.
  21. Many thanks for the ID. I new it was not a Yak. All the other info is also quite interesting. I think the Flypast article must be their April Fool article. All it needs is two owners to team up and actually do it. It wouldn't be the first ime one has back fired. Mike
  22. Have been going through pictures trying to tag them with names etc. However I cannot remeber what this one is. Any assistance would be appreciated Mike
  23. With un taxed cars it seems they only catch those they see driving, and there are many parked on roads withut tax. These however you report to the DVLA. This link takes you a page where you can turn them in. http://direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/UntaxedVehicle/DG_4022073 Some Local Authorities also have means of reporting abandoned and/or untaxed cars and they normally get them removed. Had a problem with a car that was dumped/left outside my house it had road tax. Once established (after 6 weeks) that it was not somebody in the roads I filled in an online LA form. Within 48 hours the owner came with a tow truck and removed it. I think the threat of the LA doing it and sending him a big bill did the trick. As for these righteous people who moan about gas guzzling cars most of them are probably hypocrits and drive a Prius. They seem to forget many people have a big 4x4 because they need it for work and/or towing. I remeber reading a survey (a few years back now) in one of the Sunday papers. They had got the results of research showing dust to dust impact of a vehicle. This is basically the environmental impact of manufacture, usage on average miles and then the recycling cost, Suprise suprise the most environmental vehicle to on was a 4 litre Jeep Cherokee. Its total environmental impact was a tenth of a Prius. After all how many Prius's or othe "eco cars" do you think will be on display at classic car shows in the future. Mike PS My Land Rover is green (and black) and it is recycled My Astra 2 litre SRi, 10 year old and 40K, does more MPG than a prius (on the motorway)
  24. Cookery lesson one Wrap pasty in foil and fix to exhaust manifold. Drive for 30 minutes prior to serving.
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