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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. good to get a bit info on this odd target, can you tell us how you came by the information. cheers
  2. don't write it all off just yet, the land andy is speaking about has been ear marked for re development and when it does the story will be confirmed or proved wrong. be nice to find a thousand tanks. i'd be quite happy if i found just one buried tank. i've been looking long enough for one
  3. sleeper any chance you could put up the refurb pics for us. cheers rick
  4. good find, i wonder if they came off kirkcudbright and not warcop. i say that because they look a little too tidy to have been range targets and could have been used as some sort of gun platform for testing exotic ammo
  5. andy you know there is only one way to go and that is dig under the concrete from the side and see what can be found. remember. forgiveness is always better than permission
  6. good to have you on board and nice to see A mechs are learning to read and write these days
  7. at 24 ton i think the cromwell will be just over the limit
  8. been looking at leyland landtrains as there's one on ebay at the moment.
  9. i have put some thought to loading the tank and i've always managed fine with someone to guide me on but to try to do it alone would be tricky. if it had to be done then i could modify the trailer so the tracks would run in a channel which was one of my thoughts on buying a skelly trailer and converting it, as you would end up with a purpose built cromwell trailer. the down side of that being the trailer would be almost useless for any other kind of load and it is that reason alone that steers me toward a standard low loader trailer but then you end up back where you started with regard to always needing a guide. maybe like paul says a big winch is essential.
  10. the tank is quite excitng to load. there's a point when you can only see sky and it's impossible to hear anything so you are left to your own devices. the only solution is to keep on going and hope you land ok. john (antar) i was hoping you would be ok with buying, repairing and storing the scammell while i use it at the weekends. i don't mind going halves on the fuel ! if you do this i will let you join my new club THE ARMOURED HERITAGE GROUP. i know how much you like clubs
  11. my plan with the skelly was to drop the outriggers down to the bottom of the chassis rail which would make the tank sit lower then weld a channel section onto each side (although it would still sit ok wthout them). i'd also thought about supporting the weight between the belly of the tank and the top of the chassis rails. another advantage of having a tank is they are agile and can go where other loads can't, infact it can pretty much go on any trailer if you get a big enough run up at it
  12. the cromwell is exactly 3m from the outside of the side skirts so it's kind of ok for a tank it's not a bad load when compared to a cent or chieftain, just got to get a tractor/trailer that can take a 24 ton load and be under 44ton gtw. maybe i've come full circle back to the skelly trailer idea ! rick steve thanks for the offer but it won't take the cromwell
  13. i like the renault magnum although i always thought it looks like a transformer
  14. eddy8men

    Museum ?

    there's a valentine archer in the pic as well
  15. eddy8men

    Museum ?

    must be overloon as it's a challenger in the background and they have the only one outside the uk as far as i know
  16. all good stuff fella's so a foden or erf with a low loader trailer (tested) is the way to go. trouble is i still like the idea of a glitzy renault with all mod cons, might even get some fancy looking lights on it anyway seems like i will have to get some pennies together before the show season starts. rick ps. i know this is wrong and i should be flogged for having impure thoughts but the oshkosh would make a hell of a rig
  17. lauren the scammell would be great but don't think it would do too well on the motorway
  18. close but no cigar for the trailer at 27ton but maybe the foden can tow more than that.
  19. hi kyle no problem resurrecting the old churchill thread. you pretty much nailed it in your post. the holes are all about 20mm so won't take much to plug and weld them. i'm looking forward to restoring the turret (it's the rest of the tank that scares me)
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