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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. i had also thought about a diamond t and rogers trailer, which then made me think about getting a foden eka and towing a drawbar trailer. is that possible
  2. thanks nick i don't think i'll go down the hire route unless owning a rig doesn't work out but thanks for tip on truck prices, i must admit once i started looking there seemed to be an awful lot of trucks for around £4k
  3. thanks fella's guess i'll start getting the money together. i don't have any shows until may, so i've a while to look around but i know how these things are, you think you have all the time in the world and then it suddenly creeps up on you before you know it. cheers rick
  4. al i know john's lad works in haulage which is why he can get the wagons for a good price but if i turn up i reckon i'd be shown the way out fair quick ! when they ask what experience i have and i tell them i passed my test 26 years ago and haven't driven hgv1 since. paul that's the kind of money i am looking at spending, so if you hear of anything on the grapevine can you give me a nudge. cheers mark i'm lucky with the cromwell being such a small load compared to a chieftian, once you go bigger than a comet everything gets complicated. ideally i'd buy an s26, infact john riley lives just up the road from me and has one but he won't part with it, i've offered to share but i think it fell on deaf ears i'll get there i just don't know how or when
  5. i have the storage and licences and would rather do it all myself.
  6. cheers brooky i'd love a low loader but tricky to find something for the right money, this one is on ebay for £3k and would be great but at a gross of 30 ton it is unlikely to be able to carry the cromwell
  7. hi fella's i have been toying with the idea of getting a tractor and trailer unit to carry the cromwell to various shows, trouble is i need to do it on the cheap which is where things need to get creative. ideally i would buy an ex army tank trailer and seddon atkinson from withams but i'd be looking at about £20k and i don't want to be more than £6k. so i was thinking of buying a skelly trailer and modifying that to take the tank as it would be within the weight category (cromwell weighs around 24tons) and they are about £1500 so i'd have enough to buy a 10 year renault tractor unit for about £4k which is great in theory but i'm not sure how to go about insuring the truck and trailer, also i don't know if it's legal to modify a skelly trailer to take a tank. has anyone else had the same problem with transport or come up with a good solution other than to keep paying everyone else to do it ! cheers rick
  8. don't know the dimensions but i'd have thought valentine
  9. simon i thought you were going to tell me about the all singing all dancing sonar you tow behind your boat but looks like you did it the hard way, fair play to you fella.
  10. simon those images are amazing, how do you do it ?
  11. i had 5 from this company on allegro, unfortunately they came without the armoured shroud and i eventually got a refund so it would be a good idea to make sure they will supply the shroud as well. http://allegro.pl/peryskop-odwracalny-mk-4-do-czolgu-t-34-t-72-nowy-i5981103322.html the scopes fit perfectly into british vehicles
  12. i think it's about 4 miles south west os selsey bill and 20m down
  13. brockhouse drawbar trailer would go well
  14. that was a nice loyd carrier and a good price too.
  15. dale we both know you are even more up for it than i am and besides we all have to die sometime, why drag it out
  16. it's like that is it. let's all have a laugh at the slightly deranged suicidal tank addict. well i will have the last laugh or my names not eddy. seriously though it's not that hard, just have to make sure the pipes connecting the jacks to the power pack are really long
  17. the cost would be much less than you think. there are only bullets, grenades and smoke bombs in the turret so no really nasty stuff. to recover it i would dive down myself (only 20m), connect hydraulic jacks between the hull and turret then go back up to the boat and fire up the hydraulic power pack which would be connected to the jacks. pop the turret off go back down connect the lifting bag, approx 4cubic metres should do it float it off, tow it behind the boat to the slipway at high tide, moor it until the tide has gone out then pick it up with my bedford and be back home in time for tea and medals simples
  18. i'll settle for the turret and leave the hull down there for the divers to look at
  19. i have often thought about recovering the turret from one of the centaurs. my cromwell was built as a mk6 with the 95mm gun but i fitted a repro 75mm gun and cradle so it would be nice to get hold of the genuine article. trouble is the tanks would be full of HE shells !
  20. the ISU 152mm would be my favourite. russian overkill at it's best
  21. god bless em all lauren that sounds like an interesting booklet, any chance you could take a pic or two of the most relevant pages and post them up on this thread for the good and benefit of the great unwashed. cheers
  22. lol you rarely run out of people who want to talk to you at shows, i still have a laugh about someone calling john's valentine a hovercraft
  23. "if it's war time damage, versus target range hits, isn't the conventional wisdom to leave it be? just curious" i have left some damage on the cromwell turret but it is only from it's time as a range target, which is when the roof was damaged. i often hear people at shows commenting on the splash marks on the turret. my carrier has had 3 armour peircing rounds through the side and i chose to leave the holes in as part of it's history.
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