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Everything posted by griff66

  1. yep as stated diesel quite good and cheap well ish!
  2. yep same as any oil based product
  3. i use rag and bit of derv to spruce up paint work lasts for a while
  4. think what happens is corrosion inside master cylinder stops piston going to fully relaxed position when brakes off ,so putting slight preload pressure wise on brake system, this on mine was just below px when brake light switch activates ,so what happens is u walk away from fsc , every thing switched off after a drive unbeknown to you there is still slight px in brake system after a while possibly down to residual heat there is slight rise in px we might be talking 1 psi here , but its enough to operate switch which puts brake lights on which was a right sod because by then covers had gone on fsc and i was none the wiser! cure, rehone internal bore of master cylinder new seal kit problem gone.
  5. are u aware of the possible brake light problem, master cylinder corrosion can cause brake light circuit to activate whilst all switches are off hence draining batteries ,corrosion causes brake light switch to be not in fully off position so u can walk away from fsc with all lights off, switches off and a hour later your brake lights are on! ( others might explain it better!)
  6. if the batteries are are new/good condition they should start ferret even after months of inactivity mine will start fine after 2 months make sure interior lights are in fully off position!
  7. get that mammod on flea bay!
  8. sites perfect for me, get a mac!
  9. keep it original regards fittings, and it should not take that long after all outer tracta is only 1 half inch allen plug and level 2/3 up hub, and inner is from memory 15/16 plug to unscrew it should not really be loosing any!
  10. didnt know that i presume for existing customers it will be honoured till policy renewal?
  11. you can take a horse to water ..........................:cool2:
  12. if the old oil was that bad and u can afford it fill with new oil run bike get it nice and warm drain oil and refill should get rid of most of that remaining sludge
  13. probably not that obvious ,as otherwise i guess the question would not have been posted at the start of the thread;)
  14. yes u would want lubrication from the start not once grease has warmed up:cool2:
  15. try with flat surface and sheet of wet and dry making sure contact face is flat as as u will see or have! mating surface is very small!
  16. if they are any thing like a ferret they are welded on as this would be easier
  17. ha theres only 3 pages of posts! :cool2:
  18. Agreed plus as stated u can tow start them not that i have!
  19. how about starting a petition for more bureaucratic red tape!
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