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Everything posted by griff66

  1. blue skies over east grinstead even cut grass with knackered knee! however skies looking black now and can hear thunder something oddly satisfying about cutting grass then it peeing down! feels like u have beaten weather! now raining!
  2. loctite 620 twenty quid from states ebay
  3. excellent i was a bit worried great news cant wait till sunday!
  4. bet there is lots of pepes trying to remember if their reserved pitch is low lying or not, mind u if it rains anymore it will not matter!:cool2:
  5. and of course as the pitch is reserved for you thats where you have to camp, works both ways!!!!
  6. think you are correct! have heard forecast for next week is better
  7. try to get a pic of rexs range rover stuck in the mud!
  8. looks very good looks like a mv to keep for a long time
  9. great photos those quads look like they are earning their living !:cool2:
  10. what the hell blue skies and sunshine surely some mistake!
  11. good for you shane thats the english spirit!
  12. think of it as a muddy glastonbury with military vehicles and it will be fine ( i hope!)
  13. no problem just bought some wellies bring it on !
  14. last year even the tracks around the various fields were bad after rain took the 4x4 isuzu out for a run round one evening got so bad around where heliops was camping with the mud that there were few moments where was not sure if would be able to make it back best vehicle would be 4x4 fiat panda with mud terrain tires on it ! weighs nothing u see!
  15. blimey petrol money and a gallon and a half of beer yippie!!!
  16. bbc weather monday and thursday good weather the rest well you know today i suggest u find bar with telly moto gp on plus british F1( plus some blokes hitting a ball around!)
  17. boeing 777 main wheels pumped up to 220 psi always taught to stand at side of tire whilst inflating, if one of those went and it would be wheel not tire letting go it would be a big mess!!!
  18. gosh do people do that should be out lawed:-D
  19. if it rains all week trust me you will mind about the weather!
  20. yes there will be rain sun wind hail sun rain wind hail and other stuff:D
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