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Everything posted by steveo578

  1. I imagine the officer in photo 4 (the T59) is saying "I have a cunning plan"
  2. It looks like a full scale mock up for either FV300 series or something from the early development of the Armoured Vehicle Reconnaissance the precursor to the Scorpion.
  3. Rust like dry rot, tooth decay and Reality Shows just keep spreading if you don't stop it early:-D
  4. Ah the dunken russian SU100 driver crash photo:cool2:
  5. In post#8 I mentioned a demolished tractor unit at the far end of the "airstrip range" at Otterburn (redesdale impact area) I found the photo for anyone who wants to play guess the wreck? Steve
  6. Yes your more likely to be right than I am:D I was making an late night stab at it. Thanks Steve
  7. Shy what does that mean:DJust think that photos would be better off on Range wrecks or an appropriate thread relative to the vehicle in question or rust photos will start dominating every thread.:-D. There is stuff on this thread that I should address outside the subjects of wrecks -if I get around to it. Steve
  8. Nothing wrong with being pedantic but I think you are having a problem with your pic or link:computerrage:
  9. I think degsy is correct the Maudsey Militant 6t 4x2 is the only forward cab truck I can think of with the gas panel on the drivers side Albions have them on the near side. The Army marking looks as though it has been muted by overpainting with a coat of drab FBE is an abrievation for a folding boat carrier so probably Folding Boat & engineering, if it was one the frames would be visible. Steve
  10. Possibly the owner is aware of something we're not- during another rainy english weekend I found these two photos in an old AFV book. they are of an Israeli captured Egyptian Loyd T/T during the 1948-49 war. The Eygptians used loyd for towing 6pdr and surprisingly still had 2pdrs towed by U/Cs. I suspect but cannot find any proof as yet that the rear bogie was reversed to reduce the tendency of the Loyds rear pulling down whilst towing. After the fashion of both Windsor and Oxford carriers both of which were designed to replace the Loyd. Steve
  11. Just goes to proove that search engines aren't infalible- I found and image of a Davy Crockett and found it to the site.
  12. brilliant -I've got to get one -shame they are illegal. Steve
  13. You didn't say how many techies wanted to discuss the relative merits of bayonet vis ES27, tungsten filament over halogen whether CFL produces a green light or is it an optical illusion and aren't bananas :banana:dangerous in proximity to electrical systems:??? and BTW I've got my 17th Ed.:yawn::-D Steve
  14. One of those wekends when odd things are found on the net. Evidently the British were develping there own version of the Davey Crockett, surprising for its time it was a form of Netron bomb hence the relatively low yield. Refered to as Wee Gwen it was discontinued due to absorbing too much fissle material and probably cash. http://www.nuclear-weapons.info/vw.htm#Wee%20Gwen Steve
  15. It has been covered on the forum elsewhere They are pictures from the CSK target range - Vliehors - Vlieland which is a long term range used for both gunnery and air weapons. see and Thread: Sherman M4A4 from target to scrap; a picture story Photos include the M4A4 Sherman V which was cut up about 2006. Steve
  16. Wow it's rare to see early model Shermans these days -so in quantity it might be a problem:D:D Steve
  17. excellent photos the M5A1 is particulary nice and lots that are restorable but, and it's a big one, in the past French authorities have been very difficult to deal with. Steve
  18. t If I had a complete M36 I'd what all the M10 on the ranges as a swap.:-D Steve
  19. Is that all:confused: sympathetic ear..in the french military -..that must be a tautology:D
  20. Yes you find several on other threads such as the Chruchill tank thread etc.
  21. Some where used as a shelters in quarries this one could be as it seems to have concrete floor sections piled on top.
  22. The churchill 2 now a "gatguard" at Bovington was found in the 1970s-80s in a forest at Stainburn moor in Yorks. The three vehicles shown in the Utube clipp could weel end up in the same circumstances -given time.
  23. The blue A24 from OTA is down there and perhaps the red one too, but they seem to be used as large plant pots, so your not likely to see them at a show in the near- or probably even in the distant future:( I also think their may be A27L centaur bulldozer
  24. Hi eddy i'm sure Adrian will advise you of the subtle differences so you don't loose money betting:D of course I suppose Cromwell could be a generic term as initally all A24-A27 were referred to by the Tank Board as Cromwell, they soon realised that the confusion would be too much. Steve
  25. Just to give credit where it is due the ingenious hull manipulator used at the I of W for the Grizzly Sherman welding was actually kit fashioned by Adrian Barrell. Steve
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