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Everything posted by steveo578

  1. How can you tell from which manufcacturer (one of three Pressed Steel Car Co-Baldwin locomotive Works and Pullman Standard Car Co.) or even batch that a Mk1 welded hull Sherman came? Once, I found the remains of an M3 the only way I could ascertain its manufacturer was that the manufacturers plate was still inside. Steve
  2. The unknowns are Centurion Mk5 (what would be rebuilt into the Olipant) a Valentine Mk1 (wasn't aware Mk1s could have Vickers co-axial gun) Sherman MkIc firefly -similar to the shown at SANMMH on Page 2 and a Universal carrier BTW thanks for the link -some great photos -possibly the Valentine has a mantlet off an A12 Matilda 2
  3. The other M47 at Windy Haus was in excellent condition until 1994 Detail photo of casting logo on M47 roof This M47 is possibly the tank mentioned by Alien FTM in Post #13
  4. Windy Haus/Quickencote HESH range M47s these with the Comets and a concrete filled Saracen were cleared during 1995 Looking good at the rear Complete tram smash at the front. Unlike the above, this M47 was filled with concrete which didn't prevent catastropic damage. Detail of the turret showing the effect of HESH inside the turret. Steve
  5. thanks for the clarification Adrian - I wondered because the Cromwell being craned seems to lack a bow MG mount, wonder what motor they had? Shame there is no sign of an A30 -I thought there might have been when a 35scale kit appeared from Czech republic- bit of an odd choice:undecided:
  6. I'm glad some-one reads periodicals thoroughly which ends further speculation:laugh: I wonder whether the the Cromwell might be hulls obtained from Austrian Charioteers, which became surplus when the turrets were used as "panzerstellungs" Steve
  7. Apart from patrol use -for example to replace Saracen etc in NI they certainly have never impressed me. If I recalled correctly this hull was placed on the "RAF" range so probably shot up by aircraft. Grizzlies 52 and 76 at the roundabout at Redesdale Camp for transport south. The last "proper" Sherman was removed about 1983-84 if I recalled correctly, it was one sided with at least one complete bogie unfortunately by the time I got there the scrap compound was bare:-(
  8. Done that got the T shirt -no where near as much fun as it's made out to be:(:blush::shocked:
  9. as both your links are giving problems Steve
  10. I've uploaded some photos of range target Saxons in green/black on Otterburn wrecks -rather than posting them twice.
  11. Saxon personel carriers there were 3 saxons on OTA from 1996 Surprisingly they 2 were soon removed form the range and scrapped
  12. Hi eddy Yes that's 3599 XI the Otterburn Commer which had a 39brigade sign on its front quarter. If you looked over the edge of the firing point behind the Commer you would have seen the Grizzlies in the valley. Steve
  13. I've already posted various photos of the two Grizzlies that were on OTA from 1985 to 2002 couple of other Grizzly 52 in 1991 Inside the turret of Grizzly 76 in 2002 The ruin of a Ram Kangaroo on the Otterburn Impact area, from the level of damage it would seem to have been used as a vessel for ATO to blow things up. floor plate were supported on the right side to act as a target possibly from Tod Law
  14. I contacted George Mazy about the 2 anomalies (a target on Brasschts and the memorial tank at Leopoldsburg) and he said there was no offical evidence for a re-instated hull MG so probably a lash up. Steve
  15. Yes most WW2 British Sherman books cover this try Sherman firefly by Mark Hayward or David Fletcher vanguard book. The co-drivers stowage was very poor it was almost impossible to access the rounds in action, but note the turret basket also obstructs the 20rd bin under the turret at certain turret positions. It was recommended that should Firefly production continue or vehicles be remanufactured then the co driver bin should removed and the BG be re-instated, this did not happen although there were at least 2 MkVc in Belgian service that had standard hull machine gun mounts -but whether it was deliberate in service mod. or something that happened to make a memorial or target tank no-one knows. Steve
  16. I've never found an exact date for its introduction, it is tempting to say that it came out around the time that the Mk5, Mk6, Mk7 the late Mk4 and Mk3 of the T17**** batches were comming off line -so second half of 1943 but without a document its impossible to say- its difficult to see whether the tank lacks the small support flange that supports the out edge of the road bar in photos and even then many photos lack a date -and it doesn't proove that it wasn't used earilier on earlier marks being refurbished.
  17. Hi clive, I don't think so -at the time I though prototype armoured Land Rover, took the photograph and moved on (lots of ground to cover that day). When I reviewed the pic it is apparent that the shape is incorrect for it or the Commers the visor slit are not in the upper section. It has rivets showing. Both the grey Commer and the other -3599XI were still in place at ATGW 3 -Hindberry Crags when this photo was taken. The wreckage was at the PL AT Practice range which is North of Hopehead farm very close to Otterburn Camp. The only Commer that comes close -visor shape and pitch of rivet holes in the wreckage behind would be the prototype WZ 4367 but then that's probably just wishful thinking. Of the other RUCs types the FV3911 doesn't fit either -visor slits in the lower section and rivets for the quadrants on the edge rather than the front. The visor slits are not the correct for either the prototype or production Land Rovers -my guess it is something from an eariler generation -possible an extemporised vehicle from WW2. As an aside in the mid 1990s David Dunne asked me to provide accurate measurements of the visors on the Commers to see if they were compatable with FV3911 as some-one had a need for visors -would this be you? The Commer and the Pigs on OTA will be posted in due course. Steve
  18. Thanks for that Richard, I struggle with truck ID. there was a number of experimental vehicles on OTA -the result of one of the periodic clearouts from FVRDE or similar. Forgot to mention in the post that the grey object behind the truck in the far distance (upper left in photo) is the Bailey Bridge taget -there were several types of tactical bridges on OTA but all but this one had been flatened and recovered for scrap.
  19. A bunch of friday night specials unidentifiable junk on the PL-AT range adjacent to Davyshiel BSA. Near the area where the A11 and Churchill mk3 AVRE that were restored by Bob Grundy for Bovington were found. I initially thought it was something ex RUC -but it isn't, any ideas?:??? Dummy SA6 back in 2000 this was the only survivor of a number of these dummys. The bodies were made of the twin wall polycarbonate used to cover conservatory roofs, they were well anchored with huge lengths of scaffold poles driven deep into the ground. Main range south west of witch crags A dead truck main range west of witch crags One of several plate targets made from warship belt armour this one is at the Roman Road A/T Hesh site This plate target was on the PL-AT range adjacent to Davyshiel BSA. note the set screw fixings and the tongue and groove edge fixings.
  20. Oh I get it now -the navy lark -if anyone wrote the things that happen to RN subs in a comedy it would be classed as too absurd - £1bn sub runs aground on its shake down cruise, previously a RN sub hits a French sub- a few years back the Government decides the jolly roger is not PC - I wonder what next-:wow:
  21. according to BBC news at 5pm today a spokesman said "the Submarine is some distance form where it should be" :D No doubt he'll make a further statement about where bears dump:D Steve
  22. very good as is the recovery of the T70 and early KV1 - considering the KV1 was underwater that they got it running again says a lot for the type- perhaps Bovington should try to get their KV1 running- now that would be worth a journey to see it. Steve
  23. A sherman has 2 battery master swiches on the left near the hull wall behind the drivers seat the nearest to the driver is the main switch the othe should run radios etc The only mod. of the instrument panel I can think of is the engine crancking and magneto switches bottom right were replaced by a single switch,- probably as a starter switch. There is also a lock parking brake lever close to the streering levers.
  24. Yes the statute covering vehicles owned and operated by the military was covered in the previous/related thread about Xtremes run in with the DVLA.
  25. That's a new one:-) I thought the consumption of erotic substances clause -in the Horse Omibus Act 1823 was repealed as the old nag died:-D. Steve
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