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Everything posted by mcspool

  1. Here in Holland we had about 5 cm of snow on Friday, resulted in trains no longer running and 700+ kms of traffic jams. The latter because people went home early to avoid the traffic jams :nut: Last night lowest recorded temperature since 27 years was -22,9 deg. C Brrrr
  2. I think you have answered your own question.... You are noticing them more. OTOH, I think your find is typical. Stored in a barn for decades, the owner then finally gives up and sells it. I reckon there are hundreds of vehicles still waiting to be discovered and bringing back from oblivion for a second or third lease of life.
  3. Eddy, these are part of our local post-war heritage. Not all of them are still there, but the ones that are are listed historical objects. See http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?14986-Dug-in-Tank-near-Arnhem or Google " IJssellinie" for more information. H.
  4. These trailers are post-war Belgian ones, indeed based on the British 10-cwt trailer design but they are larger. HTH, Hanno
  5. Olaf, My condolences. I know how it feels to lose a veteran friend. I hope Bob did not suffer when he passed away. I am sure you helped him to make the most of his last years. Hanno
  6. The advert is misleading, nowhere does it state it is a replica.
  7. Was it the same Stuart which could be seen at Beltring for quite a few years? That is an turretless M5A1 Gun Tower, converted by the British Army after WW2 to tow the 17-pdr AT Gun. It was sold some years ago, the new owner has turned it into a turretless recce vehicle.
  8. Nigel Hay once had the only one in the UK, I think it was sold to Kevin Wheatcroft?
  9. Great find! Re your question, read the note on the site: "A neat rear lamp, with single mounting which can be supplied with a flat lens instead of the domed amber lens fitted, to give a lamp of vintage appearance, into which 5w bulbs only will fit. double contact bulb holder"
  10. Nice find, they are Willys CJ-3Bs assembled in Turkey and used by the Turkish Army. Read more at http://www.film.queensu.ca/cj3b/World/TurkeyTuzla.ht
  11. Tony, Maybe I don't understand: all the pictures I have seen over the years of Dodges being manufactured and shipped show them fitted with proper tyres. http://olive-drab.com/idphoto/id_photos_wc52.php Regards, Hanno
  12. Do you have documents or photos to support that claim ?
  13. Danny, I'd be interested to see what your Sexton / Priest actually is. Post a piccie here, so the collective wisdom on HMVF can help you identify her. As for parts, try contacting Ivo Rigter here in Holland via his site www.priestm7b1.nl, he has restored a Priest and is/was involved in other restorations. He should be able to help or point you in the right direction. Sure, I'm open to receive PM's. Not sure if I can help, but always willing to try. Regards, Hanno
  14. Danny, Do you need it for your " 1943 Kangaroo 'Skippy' "? Regards, Hanno Ref. http://web.inter.nl.net/users/spoelstra/g104/apckang2.htm
  15. The source of the pic above, http://www.wien.gv.at/feuerwehr/geschichte/oldtimernach.htm, lists a Bedford personnel carrier with pump, but alas no picture. Here's another Bedford MW fire truck: http://www.historical-fire-engines.com/img2414.search.htm And a couple more http://www.fireworld.at/cms/page.php?id=75, http://forum.ktr.nl/index.php?topic=8.15, http://www.ff-grafenschlag.at/htm/chronik.htm, http://www.ffabsdorf.at/ueber_uns/doku_foto.htm You get the picture!
  16. I knew I had seen a similar conversion before, see http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5307 for a picture of a Morris-Commercial C8 converted into a Fire Brigade truck. The subject MW is currently listed for sale on MilWeb, see http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=59282&cat=3
  17. Totally agree, Guy. With the passing of time and Amercian movies like SPR and BOB, far too many people think the US liberated Europe, if not that the 82AB won the war single handedly. . . . Keep up the good work on that Bedford! Regards, Hanno
  18. If starting is the problem make sure your truck's grounding is in order.
  19. fayo56, Good on you, the early bird catches the worm, eh? Ref. http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?27381-Bedford-MWD-Series-2-Landrover Keep us posted on your progress! Regards, Hanno
  20. Gefeliciteerd Joris! Groet, Hanno
  21. Trevor, I can later, when I have access to my register. Will search for photos too, though they are buried in the archives. Regards, Hanno
  22. "ABL" stands for "Armée Belge / Belgisch Leger", that's French and Dutch for "Belgian Army"
  23. Billy, Not sure if this helps, but here is a listing of US foundry markings http://web.inter.nl.net/users/spoelstra/g104/foundry.htm Regards, Hanno
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