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Everything posted by mcspool

  1. Thanks for sharing Gordon. Very interesting US-CDN-UK vehicle, I hope the current restoration will be completed one day.
  2. Nice find, another MW fire truck. I hope it will be restored one day.
  3. What ho, had not made an effort to check if we had seen it before - but you're right, it's the MWC from Belgium (I did send you the pics and details, didn't I?) Right then, does anybody else know of any aero-screen MWs we have not seen on here before?
  4. Why not order it yourself and hand the package over to your offspring & say "I've made it easy for you this year, here's my wish list - just give me 39 quid+S&H" Indeed, I have ordered my copy through Amazon.de today and was notified the book was already shipped. No doubt superior German logistics (no, it's no longer horse-drawn) will have it on my doorstep in no time.
  5. Indeed, don't muck about and buy it sight unseen. These types of books are only published once, and once the printing run is sold out you will have to wait decades for it to be printed again, if ever. Also, we should support Mr Freathy's efforts so he can go write more of these books :goodidea:
  6. Surely it is worth looking for offerings from various retailers. Next to the publishers, I found the following both at EUR 39,-: Amazon Germany http://www.jwdeboer.nl/ (Netherlands) Thieving Germans? Ebay USA @ US$55.99 Bookworld Wholesale (UK) @ £34.99
  7. Deelen Airbase Museum, The Netherlands: http://www.museumvlbdeelen.nl/en/de-exposities/dump-deelen recently acquired a MWC. Not sure if it's an original aero screen model, but surely rippo can tell us more based on this tiny photo ;-)
  8. Hi Dave, MLU is still here, nearly ten years now in its current incarnation, but we moved from .org to .net after MLU's founder passed away. So here you go: http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1058 HTH, Hanno MLU administrator
  9. What would you rather like to see? A Sherman sitting next to the road where it was pushed off after running over a mine in 1944? Or painted up on a plinth in the nearby village (Beffe, Belgium)?
  10. In this particular case, the Stuart has been left out in the open since 1945, uncared for until recently, and it still sports its original paint and markings! Not only that, it also is the only tank I have ever seen with of what I believe are remnants of shipping / waterproofing compound :wow: And 50-100 years from now this Stuart will have all but rusted into the ground, still serving as a memorial to what happened at that spot in the closing stages of the war. Also, in 2062 those lovingly restored Stuarts will also be rusty hulks in a field somewhere, for lack of spares, money, fuel or just plain care from the descendants of the guys who busted their knuckles on restoring them. You don't think that will happen? It happens today - see the attached pics of a Chevrolet CMP C15A offered for sale on HMVF and MLU, pictured in 1990 (left) and today (right). I guess what I am trying to say is that some historic artefacts are better off left as they are, rather than being in the hands of guys willing to "slap on a coat of paint" .... will duck and take cover now!
  11. Richard, I didn't study the markings, now that you mention it I googled the word and I guess you are right. It also explains the mosquito net!
  12. I read the report of the Italian team, see the link in http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?31505-Buckets-and-Spades-out-!&highlight=desert Here's hoping: Flt Sgt Copping's body is identified and laid to rest in a proper grave! The Kittyhawk is recovered and preserved AS-IS rather than restored . . . My €0,02 worth . . .
  13. Speaking of markings, here's another British tent but with markings. Hope this is of use to someone.
  14. No reply from the seller, seems the tent is sold as the ad is gone. Here's two more pictures, that's all the info I have
  15. It certainly has an orange hue over it! Made me think of the Royal Dutch Navy kitbag, mine plus my dad's are in the attic somewhere, they've been the same for ages. Here's a pic of a current issue one I found online.
  16. Thanks Jack, so it's a bit of an enigma? Have asked the seller for more details, will post them here when I get them.
  17. Thanks for getting back on this. Generally, I am looking for information on the various forms and shapes of tents in use by Commonwealth forces in WW2. There does not seem to be reference books or websites available on this subject, are there? More specifically, I want to know what I am looking at when looking to buy a (preferably) Canadian tent. The Field Officer's Tent (that's what it's called, or so I have been told) would be the right size for me. With orangey-yellow or orange shade of canvas, do you mean the typical dark brown as the tent you offer or more of a tan colour as the one in the attached picture?
  18. Found this picture on the internet of a "British Field Officer's Tent". Anyone got more info on WW2 Commonwealth tents?
  19. I agree, by WW2 standards CMP Cab 13 cab has *lots* of space. As a tall guy, I have problems fitting in many HMVs. Jeeps are fine, but I can't drive in first gear (M151's are perfect); GMC trucks ample room; Dodges are cramped; Humber Heavy Utility impossible; Dingo and Universal Carrier I can't drive - but I do fit in the T16. Sherman tank also no problem, even possible with the hatch closed but it's a squeeze. Drove a Scammell once at Beltring, surprisingly bad driving position for such a large vehicle!
  20. That would be this one, isn't it? Rippo pointed it out to me, nice example of the breed!
  21. Would be interested to read his exploits! Did you use google already? http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&client=safari&gl=nl&biw=480&bih=268&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=sexton+25+pdr+driver%27s+seat&oq=sexton+25+pdr+driver%27s+seat&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...8826.12606.0.13350.
  22. From the auctioneers website, the final prices including fees and taxes.... 19:1942 Dodge 4x4 Command Car Estimation: 20000 - 30000 € Sold for 56,302 € 20: 1942 Dodge WC 62 6x6 plâteau bâché Estimation: 15000 - 25000 Sold for 25,023 € 21: 1943 GMC CCKW 3A1 6x6 plateau bâché Estimation: 10000 - 20000 € Sold for 16,891 € 22: 1942 Dodge WC 51 4x4 plateau bâché Estimation: 10000 - 20000 Sold for 22,521 € :nut: :shocked: :nut:
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