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Bob Grundy

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Everything posted by Bob Grundy

  1. This was, now scrapped, a Vickers Medium that was dug up in Kent. Photographed by me at The Tank Museum c.1993, if we could only go back to the mid 1990's this would be driving now....
  2. Robin I have already got a victim for it who will wait a while to see if the owner of 07 EB72 turns up, but reading the post from Andym its unlikely, sorry Robin.
  3. Does anyone have or know who has Abbot 07 EB 72 ? I have this Unit Demand Book, only one double page of entries, starting 25 12 89 with 'Tin Bullsh*t one' and 'IPA six' it then goes on with correct items until 26 11 91 Its free to the present owner or failing that it was expended as a range target then anyone.
  4. The first BAD EXPERIENCE haulier, Nigel, did a job for me a few weeks ago, turned up on time, loaded vehicle and delivered it 320miles with no problems. I can only state what happened......
  5. For those with a MK or MJ, this parts book may be helpful. £25 including postage (its heavy).....
  6. The MkV run at Tidworth September 1993 but a very small bit of the track chain fell off. Other than that is was OK. Any others after that date ?
  7. This is the middle of MAY 1940 so why are the crops not green ? A good few months before they turn pale yellow.
  8. I recorded it, suffered it and then stopped it when they started acting daft with the A/T weapons near the end.
  9. Thank you all for the input. I have a wet sample from a vintage paint company and the reference on it is Starmer so it should be right. Had a thought this morning that B&Q can mix any colour, I will pay them a visit with wet and dry samples.
  10. Khaki Green No3 BS.381C of 1930. I have a paint supplier local to me that I use a lot, however he is having difficulty mixing this colour. I know that I can get this from specialist paint suppliers at great cost in the product and postage but....... So has anyone got any ideas as to the formula or a modern equivalent that is near as dam it ?
  11. Sennybridge, M44, but who is the man ? I know do you ?
  12. I have 3 (three) B 60 head gaskets for sale in one hit for £60 including UK delivery.
  13. A friend has some of these gaiters or anklets in hard black leather (don't get exited!), would anyone know who would have used these ?
  14. Received the PM, so the Sterling one is sold.
  15. Two Infantry Training pamphlets; 120mm Wombat Anti-Tank Gun 1966 and 9mm Sub-Machine Gun (Sterling) 1955. £15 for the Wombat and £10 for the Sterling including postage. A nice Christmas present for the girl friend or wife...
  16. Now I may be on the wrong range but I think it is Otterburn or maybe Sennybridge. Daimler photo taken mid 1990's, those present were John Riley, Preston Issac plus others. Enlighten me.....
  17. This is something unusual, 1977 booklet from HMSO,a fascinating account of terrorist weaponry, mostlly home made. 53 pages 10" x 8". £10 including postage
  18. A friend who is too stingy to purchase the magazine reads mine. He has pointed out that the article on the Wasp flame thrower carrier was used at Auschwitze to destroy the inmates sheds. This we think is an error as the camp was liberated by our then allies, the Russian army and to my knowledge the Wasp was not used by them.
  19. The Home Guard one will be going to Scotland, so no longer available.
  20. The Home Guard Pocket Manual is dated January 1941, published by the Ruberoid Co Ltd who advocate their products use. All Arms Air Defence 1978 shows a number of mounts on vehicles of the time, as well as how to deploy and engage the enemy. £10 each including UK post.
  21. I used diving rods in France about ten years ago and they worked for me. It was very strange, perhaps it is the person who is using them, works for some but not others.
  22. Thank you everybody, I did not think that would be so easy.
  23. Richard It is for a 1940 vehicle (more later) so I did not think it would be modern.
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