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Bob Grundy

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Everything posted by Bob Grundy

  1. Pray tell me what a A15 Cruiser MkV (5) Covenanter has to do with the Home Guard ?
  2. I take it that you mean the 'mighty dollar' ? If so, are you in colonies ?
  3. This is a right hand wing or fender if you happen to be in the Americas. It has never been fitted to a Saracen, with a little rust near the rubbing strakes (the riveted half round bits). Its quite heavy and large so cannot go in the post of by Hermes etc but if it is of interest we can work it out. So, what offers ?
  4. Got your PM, thanks Paul, so now sold.
  5. The WOT book is not as far as I can see to a particular vehicle apart from Contract No. V.3593. Written in the back is WD Vehicle A.A.A L/188792 Jeep; Universal Car distributors (London) Ltd. A parts book,I have my name in it dated 22 February 1967 £12 each including postage
  6. The first thing is to locate them. Rick and me are 250 miles from the area, however someone more local needs to use a ground penetrating radar in the suspected location. There are dark nights now......
  7. I am awaiting to be told something different but I think it was 1987 not 1977.
  8. It was taken at Otterburn late 1990's. Adrian was there of course as it was taken to his yard and subsequently off to Andrew a few years later.
  9. When you have finished this bit of a doddle of a job, when are you starting on this one ? There are plenty of Valentines running about but no Covenanters
  10. Give me both post codes and I will get you a price.
  11. This photo and some others were taken at Porton Down in November 1995. It shows the remains of a Machine Gun Carrier No1 Mk1. There is a photo of the VRN that could be CMM 985 or 986, if the latter then it was converted into a prototype Cavalry Carrier. I had quite a lot on in 1995 so did not pursue this project (which could have been the wise course..) but has anyone further information ?
  12. There are good photos of these engines on the IWM website. Type in 'Collections' then in the search box; Ricardo tank engine. An interesting topic.
  13. Just what I needed, thank you very much, BTW I spelt Leopard wrong....
  14. German Leopold tanks; Can anyone give me a paint reference for the NATO Brown that would be applied to them ? It should, I imagine, be a RAL number. Thanks Bob
  15. I have had three of them, one from Preston Issac and the other two direct from the MoD back in the 1990's, I think they were c.£380 each. Tried out one of them, quite a messy operation but the speed of digging was impressive.
  16. It was early 1988 that you looked at for us Richard, some of the parts used were vital to the restoration however the main hull I described at the time as a 'riddled corpse'. It is my belief that this tank had a problem, as the steering clutch housing was dated 1940 while everything else was dated 1938, and so did not deploy with 4 RTR to France. The chances of it being recovered post war and then stuck on the range at Otterburn are remote.
  17. May I draw chums attention to a review of Tankfest. On page 61; 'It's hard to believe the tiny Matilda I (should be 1) saw service in the Dunkirk campaign in 1940' This A11 Matilda did NOT see any service in the Dunkirk campaign. BTW it is hard to see the withdrawal to the port of Dunkirk as a 'campaign'. Back to the tank, as far as I know no tanks or armour of any kind was embarked on ships during the evacuation. So yet again incorrect info in this magazine.
  18. Any use to anyone ? Vehicle only not Vizz and Fritzman. Please PM me for details.
  19. A great thread of 'bygone days' which all of us contribute to over the years in our own special way. Note the RQMS is wearing a good set of medals.
  20. I was really looking forward to the programme on Thursday 15 September, BBC4 'Tank Men' it was just a plain awful.... The only redeeming part was that of the contribution by The Tank Museum, David Willey and Sarah Lambert. What were the tank commanders, Private soldiers, Lance Corporals or Officers ? Basil Henriques (C22) had 1970's lance jack stripes and Macpherson C20) carried no rank but a rifle, as tank commanders do of course ! A very poor effort and a media slight upon brave men.
  21. I think this is replica of an Albatross DV built this century not the last one. Not good news at all.
  22. Radio 4 is very informative and a few years ago there was a programme about copywrite. The knowledgeable person said that copywrite remained with the camera operator who activated the shutter and this would last for 70 (?) years. I have taken many photographs on MoD property and I am not concerned whatsoever about publishing on line or in print
  23. This is the only other one I have showing a stabilizer (?).
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