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Bob Grundy

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Everything posted by Bob Grundy

  1. I have a 1939 Morris Commercial six-wheeler, the CDF. I am in need of the carburetter rebuilding to tip top condition, it is a 35 RTVDL, can anyone recommend some one who does not have a waiting time of 9 weeks ?
  2. Yes it was impressive, its always better to have more than one vehicle or aircraft of the same type moving together.
  3. It is what it is in quite good condition and dated, from memory 1986. Fritz Guzzler shown is not for sale. I will post it anywhere if required. Any offers ?
  4. Sorry Adrian, it is only 3".........
  5. Anyone have an idea what this is or on what it would be fitted, yes I know it is to fight a fire....
  6. Yerrs.....It does seem a bit dowdy but have not read it all yet. However the photo on page 80 shows a Morris Commercial that resembles a CS8. I have never seen one like this; odd looking radiator, headlamps too high and the bonnet has a centre panel where there should be one hinge, no n/s aero screen but the rad does have the MCC badge under the paint. All very weird.
  7. This came today to have its clutch problem sorted, it has been tarted up quite well, I am sure Clive will comment.....
  8. Larry What is the source of the photograph ? Is it IWM ? If so what is its reference number ?
  9. Mr Draganm The Great War is a very complex and vast subject and that to state 'this happened or this was what I perceive as their thinking at the time' is not wise. We cannot judge from 2017 what was the state of mind of the people involved one hundred years ago. A TV show like Combat Dealers is not how history should be presented, as others on the Forum say its an entertainment show. Having just written that, is war and destruction entertainment i.e. fun ? Obviously not.
  10. I saw an episode last night where the main subject was the Great War mainly about The First battle of the Somme. BTW there was another one in 1918. I disagree 95% of what Bruce said with regard to why it was started and the relationship between officers and the men they commanded. I will have to watch it again to pick out specific errors.
  11. The standard of the Times journalist Jerome Starkey is lamentable. He says it was unearthed by archaeologists is Rick one of these ?. Home Guard using Covenanters to defend London from a 'Nazi' (German) invasion ? good grief, the lack of historical knowledge.... Excavations led by Suggs; so Rick need not have been there.
  12. Actually this was on Tuesday, does it still qualify ? It is an unmolested Abbot from Waterford in the south of Ireland and I will be processing it and sending it off to Canada. If any one wants the VRN, send me a PM and I will get it.
  13. Having a clear out; £5 per book and £2 for P&P
  14. Its total tripe and contrived entertainment for the masses......
  15. No! I will not do that.......But if you PM me with your address I will send you a colour sample.........
  16. I thought you all might like to know that I have got the colour. I was supplied by HMG Paints Ltd, Collyhurst (Les Dawson came from here) Manchester. The numbers on the tin 449367, 36135, Batch D705045D.This is an old established company and I have used their paint before, reasonably priced as well.
  17. This was from a Abbot or CVR(T), cannot now remember. Its not mint, rare or stunning as they say on Ebay but I would consider an offer. Its of no use sitting on my shelf...........
  18. They are now spoken for but I have, but cannot find, some other War Revision ones without the artwork. Moved house recently after 33 years and still not sorted everything. I will post when they surface......
  19. Unlike the HAND MIC fiasco these are the genuine thing. Maps are full colour, on that old fashioned linen paper and are quarter of an inch to one mile. Annotated with Air Information corrected 20 11 39. £10 each or £25 for em all,including UK postage
  20. Thanks Chris, its into Room 101 with it...........
  21. A Chieftain sporting a crane that was used on the range at Kirkudbright driven by John Gillman. although I was taking the photo, due to it being a while ago, I cannot remember what we were moving.
  22. Chris, I must defer to your greater knowledge, as I stated I am no expert, but why a bodge up ........
  23. I am not an expert with radio equipment but this looks wartime ? The markings; MIC HAND MIC ZA 1760S G1 Anyone needs it at £25 inc postage ?
  24. I have looked on Ebay, the one you suggest, I think is a civvy one. I need the rascal that has a sort of domed peak, but thanks anyway.
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