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Bob Grundy

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Everything posted by Bob Grundy

  1. The drawings that you will hopefully get are for the pre-war 'Bren Carrier' and not the usual common or garden Universal Carrier. There are only one or two of these in the entire world as far as I know, one is in Australia. If you are going to make one of these actual Bren Gun Carriers then its wonderful, you have my admiration and good luck!
  2. Just before the Poppy Day collection in 1985 I offered our M4A1 Grizzly to the RBL as a focal point. I was very happy to comply as I would drive the tank .9 of one mile to the centre of the town, which would be interesting and fun. I asked the local Police if I could have the services of a Panda car as escort and so a senior Police officer came to see me and suggested (told) that it was not a good idea as I may have an 'heart attack' and the tank then could veer away and hit oncoming traffic or crush pedestrians. So in a total of say 10 minutes there and 10 minutes back a fit 34 year old was doomed...... We took wheeled vehicles for many years afterwards
  3. Nothing has been received as to who wrote the letter or the shipping agent. However let me know who you are in discussions with and my helpful shipping agent may know them or there reputation..
  4. We will have a close look at the petrol tank to see if it was an original fitting. Yes you are of course correct it would have drawn petrol from the direct from the system if in a AFV.
  5. The makers name plate has been removed and replaced with a distributors one, so nothing to go on.
  6. A friend has purchased this petrol generator yesterday. It has a Jeep starter button and an American amp metre. We think this may have been used in an AFV. Any ideas chaps ?
  7. This months CMV in 'News' had a report of a Shipping Scam written by Peter Dixon. He reported being ripped off by a shipping agent but did not mention the actual agent or company. Does anyone know Peter Dixon and where he could be contacted so that I can find out ?
  8. Here it is, need a minimum of three Pete, hope you can help.
  9. Thank you for the info, thinking about it, you are of course correct.........
  10. I am looking for four rear brake shoe springs for a Universal or Windsor Carrier. If a no, then is there a modern equivalent ?
  11. We had one in the 1980's from Dave Crouch. I was great fun, don't change gear too quickly, it won't work.... Ours would go at 33 mph as it had single wheels. Get it bought.
  12. The plate is going to a new home in Oxfordshire
  13. Sorting out my CDF parts I came across this rear body plate for a 15 Cwt truck body which I don't need as I have one for the CDF. It is unstamped nor drilled, any use to a Morris Commercial owner, I will take an offer...
  14. I have a similar one but its a bit wider, perhaps you could modify it........ BTW its free. Bob
  15. Having a sort out again.....Test Unit Radio Type FT1, NSN 6625-99-949-1358. Looks OK to me, has a test cert that expired in 1988 £50. Any use to the radio experts ?
  16. I saw it described in CMV and remember reading it in the 1970's. it was excellent. The bit I recall is the OC of the company walking across a bridge picking a few flowers. Said officer encouraging his me on to overcome the enemy fire, a fine display of leadership with the resulting outcome......
  17. No I don't, I did not think that I would have been put in this position..... There are people in the world who do not 'play the game'. Recently sent a motorcycle carb to a chap in South America who told E Bay he had not received it. So I had to refund all the money and give away the carb, I see I am digressing now, better shut up.
  18. Looks like B is the one. Don't forget I have currency and a document for you Dale.....
  19. Could some one let me know what is the FV number on a Chieftain starter motor ? I am in dispute with a chap in Western Australia who says I have sent him the wrong starter. Thanks comrades..........
  20. Saying it is 'the best film I have ever seen' is bit much Jack, really ? I would have to give careful thought to this question myself, lets see what I come up with but it would not be just one film. The recent effort of Dunkirk would not be in the Top Ten this week or any week......
  21. It seems to me that any film about Dunkirk is impossible to make due to the vast canvas that it portrays. A few things; haircuts not right for the time and the age spread of the extras (supporting actors). The range would be 18 to late 40's as there were a lot of older men in the BEF and not all youngsters as seen. Container cranes seen in the distance. The last scene where the Spitfire burned had no engine but a scaffolding pipe, should have filmed it from the back. However the small boat 'Sundowner' was the very boat 'Lightoller' of Titanic fame did use on Operation Dynamo. Some well executed dramatic scenes but as a movie there was hardly any story, the actors were not established properly.
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