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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. Tony, This is the plate on my gun,you should be able to get them cast over here and I don't think they will be that expensive ! Rob..............rnixartillery.
  2. Handles Fitted,next job is to have the tow bar buffer spring made ! Rob...............rnixartillery.
  3. Managed to get some time in recently on the Limber projects so here are some pics of fabricated parts. The wheel arches were made by a guy over in Driffield,they are exact copies of the originals and made the old fashioned way. I have had some parts cast from originals and they also turned out quite well. Rob.........rnixartillery.
  4. As far as I am aware the limber was used as a braking device when coupled to the 17 pdr. but this is a grey area and there does not seem to be much evidence just the odd picture ! Rob......................rnixartillery.
  5. Kurtis, Are you looking for info on the early or late pattern ammunition trays,the other thing is I have no evidence that the 17 pdr ammunition was carried in the no27 limber it certainly would not fit in the standard tray. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  6. Thats more like it ! :banana: Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  7. er ! too true Adrian,I didn't want to say too much............................................:-X Rob.............rnixartillery.
  8. Pete, This gun was bought and restored by a friend of mine who up to a few years ago had a fantastic collection of Artillery.The Long Tom was better than new when he had restored it but due to the size and effort in moving the piece decided to sell to the current owner for A LOT LESS money. :wow: Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  9. This gun is not an FH70 ! :blush: if my memory serves me well Crouch recovery had a couple of these guns for sale last year. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  10. The FH70 is a VERY heavy piece and in my view badly balanced,I don't know if it would be right legally but you would be certainly know it was behind you ! Stopping could be an issue. Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  11. Yes ,the band is sprung.I have somewhere a complete one with the light and lead which is new and unissued........Just can't find it ! Rob....................rnixartillery.
  12. This is the light bracket for the Yank 105 Gun and it has the standard rear light fitted to it. Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  13. Chris, There is one of these guns for sale in Canada at the moment and the asking price is $5600 c, About £3,500. I am also looking for one of these so if you decide to pass on it would you please let me know. Rob......................rnixartillery.
  14. The man you need to speak to is 'boom boom' he has a VERY impressive live fire FH70. He is on the forum and a very helpful guy. Rob....................rnixartillery.
  15. It does state very clearly by Oto Melara that the L5 was not designed to be towed,it was designed as a Light weight air portable artillery piece that can be brocken down into pack sized parts for transit over rough terrain BUT can be towed over short distances. Quite ironic that the MOD took it out of service because it wasn't strong enough to tow. Maybe they should have read the small print ! :wow: Rob......................rnixartillery.
  16. Couldn't resist this one,a real case of not quite understanding the concept of a 'pack animal'. This guy must feel a right Ass ! Rob..................rnixartillery.
  17. Adrian. With both of Kevins Archers being white washed I always assumed they had both come from Israel ? but it makes you wonder if there are more to be found there. Rob.....................rnixartillery
  18. Kevin Wheatcroft has two Archers,the first has its original armament (17 pdr) and the other had some larger bore barrel thrown in it.Not sure if they are both there now though ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  19. As most keen Artillery enthusiasts will know the pack howitzer and its accessories are extremely hard to find in the UK and very expensive.After 6 months negotiation with a fellow Artillery collector from Australia we have come up with a parts trade which involved no parting of cash just the cost of postage . In return for a load of 5.5 parts I have received the following L5 accessories, Cased charge wheels,two clinometers,two sets of brand new breech and muzzle covers,two dial sight carriers(very hard to find) angle sight carrier,drag rope and some sight planes..Thanks Santa!!!!!!!! Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  20. 1. QF 18 pdr 2. QF 2 pdr 3. 75mm Pack How 4. 105mm Light gun 5. 4.5" How 6. Archer 7. Sexton 8. M42 Duster 9. Crusader Tractor 10. What ever comes along when I have money in my pocket ! Not necessarily in that order.......oh yeah another shed to put it all in !!! All the Best and may every one find what they are looking for........................................ Rob....................rnixartilley.
  21. No Problem ,Most British Artillery pieces carry as a part of the Gun equipment a pair of 'Drag Ropes'. On the end of the rope is attached one or two short chains with a ring. The purpose of the rope is to manhandle the piece by attaching the ring to a lug on the wheel rim and laying the rope over the top of the others so you get a direct pull on the wheels. You can also attached the ropes to the drag rings on the hubs. Some of the earlier (WWI) Artillery pieces carried a leather bound drag rope.Which I would love to find ! Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  22. Nice one mate ! Where up North are your relatives from ? Rob...........................rnixartillery.
  23. The lugs on the wheel rims are for the drag ropes,almost all British Artillery wheels have them. Rob.......................rnixartillery
  24. Great Photo's.....where were they taken ? Rob......................rnixartillery.
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