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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. Both the sight mounts on my 105 were badly damaged as well, some asshole with a big hammer went to town on them ! They took some work to put them right again. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  2. You will pay tax on the value that has been placed on the item/s,the best way is to bring it over as consolidated freight. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  3. Yes,I am very pleased with the 6 pdr. I have several other pieces in line to work on but I would realy like to restore my 3.7" Heavy Anti -Aircraft gun,the only problem I have is that I dont have anything big enough lift the componants about with and it will kill my old tractor loader. The gun will be completely disassembled,blast cleaned and rebuilt...........................hopefuly ! Rob..........................rnixartillery
  4. Very interesting,thanks for that. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  5. My other half found this photo along with several others of her Grandfather who served throughout WWII in the tank regiment.He had undergone extensive training to operate the 'Swimming tanks' as they were known as back then.We are not sure wether he drove a DD tank onto the beaches of Normandy but he did crew Sherman's throughout the war.note the tanks names,Blake,Blich and Beatty. Jo's Grandfather is the guy with the mistache far right stood on the Sherman. Rob....................rnixartillery.
  6. Cheers Stef,how's that gun of yours coming along ? Thanks for your help Adrian, Top notch workmanship and well worth the trip to Suffolk ! Rob..................rnixartillery collection.
  7. One more finished,plenty more to do ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  8. Conclusion ! Rob...............................rnixartillery.
  9. There are two types of M4 Quadrant,the M4 has the range drum and the M4A1 does not.I have pictured the M4 Scanned from one of several different 105 manuals I have. Your gun would have had the M4A1 fitted. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  10. I know where there is one possible for sale but you will need extremely deep pockets ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  11. Vickers-Carden-Loyd Utility Tractor,some of these were prototype and built in small numbers in the mid 30's.There are a few still in preservation. There was also several variants. Rob....................rnixartillery.
  12. We'll after almost five years the restoration of my 6 pdr has now been completed and turned out OK :banana:. The one part I am still eager to find is the sight arm and mount but I think its a case of just waiting until one comes along ! :help: I will endeavor to get it out of the workshop over the weekend ( between gritting duties that is ) and take some snaps for those who are interested in Artillery. I did however find a little gem a few weeks ago which I think paid over the odds for but 'sod it' you only get one chance at things some times. :clap: Rob...................rnixartillery collection.
  13. Bloody Joyriders ......................! Rob.................rnixartillery.
  14. A great sense of achievement, well done ! Rob......................rnixartillery.
  15. Very little left of the ferret, it was burried. there use to be more Cheiftains there aswell before they developed Cambrai Barracks. Look for the tree , thats the way to find them ! Rob.................rnixartillery.
  16. Well,I recieved a new welding mask and the box set of Rocky :thanx: .I did put a 2 pdr anti-tank gun on my Christmas list but I guess santa couldn't get it down the chimney pot ! May be next year Santa ! :bow: Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  17. The best place for Canadian Ford OR Chevy parts is From Dirk,LWD Parts in Holland although parts for the MW ,Ford and Chev can be found on e-bay and Milweb . Rob......................rnixartillery.
  18. You missed out the fact that 57mm Anti-tank guns were built using UNC and UNF thread fixings rather than BSW and BSF fixings on the 6 pdr ! There is a great deal of differences between the two Guns if you delve into the subject.:nut: Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  19. Quite correct Tony,The 6pdr does have a semi auto selector like the 2 pdr. I have seen a 2 pdr with this eye attached ! :readbook: Rob...........rnixartillery
  20. As promised some realy good action shots. Rob....................rnixartillery.
  21. Sorry its too far away to attend but you guy's have a good one,I have heard great things about the Corowa meet ! :thumbsup: Rob.........................rnixartillery.
  22. The most obviouse differences between the 6 pdr and the 57mm lay in the carriages,although the 57mm's trail is similar to the 6 pdr it has several Yank additions such as the perch eye being changed for the standard American lunette,jocky wheel and the swinging axle stands which all adds to the weight of the gun I might add. The 6 pdr also went through several changes throughout the war years with several variations in barrels and the addition of secondary armour,I am currently coming to the end of a two year restoration ( on and off !) of my 6 pdr which will join the 57mm gun in my collection.And credit to Adrian B for his expert assistance in the final phase.:clap: I have a very large library of pictures so I will sort through and post some but for now here are some of the 57mm gun. Rob...................rnixartillery
  23. Its extremely hard to determin how rare a particular vehicle is,apart from museum examples and vehicles on the show circuit there is so many locked away in sheds and private collections that are unkown. just in the UK alone there are quite a few large private collection that are reclusive. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  24. All in good time Tony,all in good time ! I must say that I have seen several damaged vehicles on recovery trucks today so some motorists will learn a very valuable lesson...................slow down and read the conditions of the road . :angry Rob..................rnixartillery.
  25. Thats were I would much rather be ! :cool: Its too cold up here for me. Rob..........................rnixartillery.
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