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Everything posted by berna2vm

  1. Hi there Fadedsun,thought I would say 'Hi ', and your input into the forum is always welcomed.

    Take care, wherever you are.

  2. Go gas mig welding, dont forget that you can use pubgas (CO2) in lieu of argoshield or pure argon etc. It does not weld as cleanly but is still of sufficient quality for professional repairs. I have used gasless but consider it as reserve or emergency in application. The gasless wire is much more expensive, worth taking into consideration.
  3. What a crying shame... The so called 'scrappage scheme' is another...
  4. There was a guy in devon who had two of these little beasties for sale... I will try and find his number.
  5. Landys last forever because their owners are always spending money on them... A little like painting the Forth road bridge, by the time the painters get from one end to the other,it is time to start again!!!! I suppose it is a form of bonding,man and machine.... They are endearing though. 200 tdi everyday, believe me!!!
  6. Most good K9's dont make much more than £2000 and it has it all, military lineage, active service in many 50's and 60's conflicts for history and has real presence. Toss in to the deal things like MOT and tax exemption and you have a winner. It is good to drive and surprisingly modern in operation (crash box though!). Given the criterior it would certainly be my choice.
  7. How is Johnny Dews doing,I have'nt seen him for ages... Is he on this forum?
  8. Export or die,I say. I am fed up about hearing about BAE systems and corruption. So what if you have to give a Rolls Royce to an Arab prince to secure a contract for a billion pounds worth of fighter aircraft providing jobs to British workers. If Mr Jackson didnt sell them the vehicles then somebody else would have. I can think of a lot of unpatriotic people walking the streets who deserve to be in jail far more than mr Jackson.
  9. Jeeez!!! Good job you were'nt driving a Mini at the time... This was a serious impact!
  10. Wow check out all the King tigers at 44 seconds... You could not contemplate defeat with all those awesome machines in your arsenal....
  11. Yes, but which weapon would you use,my son??? Where have you been, Fadedsun. Missed you.
  12. Hi there Sandro. Is the steam locomotive a DB52 Kriegslok? Looks a great museum...
  13. Replaced with the AS 90 in the early nineties. Is that what really happened to the 109's?
  14. For me it is a tie between Keith Park and Hugh Dowding, without their guidance and general competance the battle of Britain those dark days of summer 1940, we would have had a different outcome. Most of the Hurricanes would have been lost in France....
  15. Love the 6x6 K9... Christmas wish list!!!
  16. The 2.5 turbo diesel nearly caused the MOD to fall out with Land Rover...
  17. I am in complete agreement,Tony. The role that the railways played in the wars is incalcuble.
  18. I only wish I had the time,Chris or I would be at the front of the queue!
  19. Hmm I don't think I would covet a Fieldmouse, somehow!!!!
  20. Totally agree.. My train of thought also.
  21. You have got to be joking, right!!!:-)
  22. I think that the Churchill was a coincidence....
  23. I would imagine that the C suffix came originally from the designation of cruiser tank from which the MBT was evolved by the time that the Centurion, our first main battle tank appeared. They obviously liked the C lineage and perpetuated it...
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