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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. https://insidedvla.blog.gov.uk/2015/11/17/whats-the-story-with-black-and-silver-number-plates/
  2. Hi Darren, Welcome to the forum. Where in the midlands are you? There are plenty of Ferrets in this neck of the woods! Chris
  3. The engine is essentially the same, but the ancillaries are different. You can take a T engine and turn it in to a W, or vice versa. It has been done many times, if you already have all the bits it's easy.
  4. This is an old list of surviving Foxes: 00 SP 87 Tank Museum Dorset, UK Prototype 00 SP 89 Tank Museum Dorset, UK Prototype 03 SP 83 Vixen 1 03 SP 85 Tank Museum Dorset, UK Vixen 3 08 FD 58 Kent, UK Restored 08 FD 67 Southampton, UK Restored 08 FD 73 Sweden 08 FD 92 Kent, UK Under Restoration 08 FD 98 Ohio, USA Imported 1996 09 FD 17 Rugby, UK Under Restoraion 09 FD 27 Aldershot Museum UK Restored 09 FD 31 Kent, UK Restored 09 FD 37 Ex NL Barmy Army UK 09 FD 47 USA 09 FD 58 Scotland Under Restoration 09 FD 64, UK Restored 09 FD 65 BE Boys Lancs, UK Restored 09 FD 82 Essex, UK Restored 09 FD 83 Broken up 09 FD 91 Staffs, UK Under Restoration 09 FD 96 UK Under Restoration 09 FD 99 Withams 2004-1 10 FD 04 Kent, UK Under Restoration 10 FD 20 Frankfurt, Germany BRX354T 10 FD 22 Helston Cornwall, UK For Sale 10 FD 34 Unknown Unknown Marcus Glenn 10 FD 51 Fulford Barracks York, UK Gate Guard 10 FD 62 USA Restored 10 FD 67 Croydon, UK Restored 10 FD 68 California, USA Under Restoration 10 FD 72 Jersey Restored 10 FD 76 Scotland Restored 11 FD 04 UK Restored 11 FD 02 British Military Vehicles UK Under Restoration 11 FD 05 Ohio, USA Imported 1997 11 FD 17 Secret Bunker Scotland Restored 11 FD 19 Kent, UK Under Restoration 11 FD 24 UK Restored 00 GM 88 Kent, UK Under Restoration 00 GM 99 UK Under Restoration 00 GM 86 Belgium Restored 01 GM 00 Texas, USA Restored 01 GM 09 BE Boys Lancs, UK Restored 01 GM 10 Scotland Polecat 01 GM 26 UK Restored 01 GM 32 RMCS Shrivenham UK Restored 01 GM 39 RAF Tain UK Hard Target 01 GM 40 UK Restored 01 GM 44 Withams 2004-1 01 GM 46 Aldershot, UK Gate Guard 01 GM 48 Seen on web Unknown Richard Rombauer Washington, USA 11 EC 27 BE Boys Lancs, UK Wrong Reg RUF939M UK Unknown USA Restored 705 ILZ Unknown UK Beltring 1999 Several of these have changed hands since, and a few more have surfaced.
  5. Hi Dan, I have an M151A2 too. You can buy most parts in the Germany, but it is sometimes cheaper to get them from the US and pay postage and duty. I have bought a few bits from the guys over at the G838 forum (http://www.g838.org/index.php) and quite a lot of bits from the US ebay site. I fitted electronic ignition to mine, with new spark plugs and leads. You won't need the seat belts, and nobody have ever questioned the lighting on mine. I fitted some Land Rover halogen headlamp units with 24V bulbs. Look on ebay, there are loads on there. You have a main beam light on the dash, it is one of the lights in the instrument panel, but it is red.. again nobody has ever questioned mine. Are you sure it is a '68? I ask because the A2 was not introduced until 1970. There is usually a metal tag on the horn with a date on it, providing it is original it should give an idea of the build date. Chris
  6. Thanks Robin, I was going to post that link myself. Chris
  7. I too have tried to contact them using the form on the website with no reply. Perhaps they have been getting a lot of email, or maybe they don't have the answers yet.
  8. Hi Mick, If it was a 2/4 they would be flat, so looks like a 2/3 to me... Is that a fixed fire extinguisher system? That would make it a 2/3M. Chris
  9. Dougy, I won't be at Malvern this year, perhaps we can meet up at Stoneleigh? The catcher bag looks like the one for the chain gun in the Sabre. The other 2 boxes which say 'dummy inverter fitted' are for the Fox/CVRT night sight. Chris
  10. Hi Dougy, Is this one available? It's for a CVRT intercom. Thanks, Chris P.S. I think the boxes in your scrap pile are American.
  11. Radiacs were fitted to CVR(T) and CVR(W)... the Fox turrets were all wired for them. The device is fitted to a post which bolts to the top of the turret. I have even see the actual Radiac bit once or twice. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CVRT-CVRW-Radiac-Post-Scorpion-Tank-CVR-T-/311354164713
  12. Mick, What do the 2 rear hatches look like? Post a photo. Chris
  13. There are AFV club 1/35 Scimitar and Scorpion kits. There are also loads of add ons and conversions for these, such as the Cast Off Sabre conversion and Scimitar LEP kits. I have a lot of them which I have not built as too busy on the real thing! http://www.castoff-models.co.uk
  14. Did they not rebuild Chieftains at Chilwell? I used to live round the corner but I think the workshops had closed by then. I remember seeing a convoy of challenger 2s going in there once, one fell off a trailer near the depot and destroyed someone's garden.
  15. 38 Central Workshop was at Chilwell. (Not a bus garage)
  16. And no Scimitars, yet they still have loads...
  17. Hi Ivo - looking good so far. You definitely have a nice workshop and all the tools! The front bins are usually only fitted that way round when the extra armour is fitted across the front.
  18. Hi JP, Sounds like maybe a sticky steering calliper? Have you tried taking the pads out and pushing the pistons back in?
  19. It has a new organiser, and I believe the new website is coming soon.
  20. A quick search shows I have already asked this question, but this time I posted the photo!
  21. Does anyone know where this ended up? Photo from an album I bought some time ago. Chris
  22. Clansman intercom yes, I've not bothered with radios and have fitted Bowman bases and antennas to it. I put the crew boxes back where they used to be. I found the cable from the radio battery switch box at the back had been unplugged, stuffed in the corner and replaced in the socket with the Bowman one. When I swapped it back I had power again.
  23. Nice one Tim, that was a bargain!
  24. No, the other one had a gearbox!
  25. Try a new set of spark plugs too.
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