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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. Could be a loose hose to/from the heat exchanger on the fan bulkhead, maybe to/from the gearbox oil filter. Regarding colour and cleanliness, oil sloshing around on the floor will pick up dust and CVRTs are always full of water.
  2. It's the inhibitor switch, stops you starting the engine while the gearbox has a gear selected. It's tricky to put the wires back in but they go to the switch on the gear selector.
  3. I'm trying to help you out here, as someone who has registered several CVRTs in the past. I didn't realise you were going to be so ungrateful. Don't worry, I'll leave you to it from now on. I wish I hadn't said anything in the first place.
  4. You don't have a Stormer, you have a Shielder. They are different! Yours has a Cummins engine for starters! The dimensions are also incorrect for a Stormer, based on what is shown in the user handbook.
  5. You need the dimensions for your vehicle as it may be different! Do you have the user handbook? It will have a sketch like that one which nobody can argue with. http://www.greenmachinesurplus.com/shielder-carrier-full-tracked-vlsms-operating-information-3159-p.asp
  6. This is from the Stormer manual: As can be seen, you can remove parts to make it within the 2.55m width. Back to the question I asked and you avoided, how wide is your vehicle?
  7. I'd love to be able to help you, but I can not condone entering false information on an official document. Also be aware that the DVLA have been known to read what is written on this forum!
  8. So when you have an accident on the road, and Mr Policeman measures it as 2.76m wide, what are you going to say? It swelled up when it rained?
  9. Hi Tim, The fan is the same but the belt pulley is different as the belt teeth are circular rather than square. You can swap the pulley over if required, but my spare fan came off the Sturgeon I bought for spares. http://www.thexmod.com/item_detail.asp?id=1582 We didn't disconnect the drive shafts as we were only going a short distance at low speed, plus we were blocking a roundabout and it was getting late. No issues with the gearbox since. I guess there must be a shortage of fans in Germany, I've got new bearings to fix the broken one in stock now so I'll do that before next year. Chris
  10. Hi Scott, Nice photos, thanks for sharing! Chris
  11. Time for another update. After last years W&P show I had some repair work to do to the rear of the vehicle after a loading incident on the return journey. Some new parts were painted and fitted which solved that issue. I had another issue with one of the tillers requiring a lot more travel than the other. After re-bleeding the steering it was no better, so I fitted a pair of brand new master cylinders, again no better. At this point we noticed a leak from the radiator, so decided to swap it for a good spare. This was when we noticed the pins holding the pads in place on the calliper with the issue were very rusty. A quick clean with some scotchbrite and the issue was gone! I have since fitted some new pins, but worth checking if you have the same problem. Transport to the show this year was cancelled at the last minute, but Rex stepped in at the 11th hour and got our vehicles down there. During the road run on the Wednesday evening the fan started to get louder and louder, I was praying that it would survive until we got back to the showground. As I was driving through the town I heard a noise and then a pinging sound as something bounced around the engine bay. When I hit the throttle pedal it was slack. A quick check showed that the nut which holds the ball joint onto the injector pump for the throttle cable had come off, not the problem I was expecting to have! We always travel prepared, so the A frame was fitted and we were towed back to the camp site by Andy's Striker. The road from the middle of Hythe to the showground is all uphill, and some of it steep. Andy was pouring with sweat by the time we got back, after doing 10mph at 3000rpm for around half an hour in the drivers seat of the Striker! To get to the throttle cable, the top deck has to come off. Not too difficult when there are some spare hands around the place. I was amazed how many more people came and looked / photographed the vehicle when it was in pieces than when it was together and working! This is what was left of the fan bearings. I had seen some fans in the stalls the previous day, but when I went to go and get one they were all gone. I tracked down the German man who bought them all, who refused to sell me one. We then took a trip to Ashford bearings, who tried and failed to get the fan apart. Plan B was to get the spare fan from home, so my Dad drove the 400 mile round trip to go and get it. While he was gone I replaced the belts with a new one I found in the stalls. Worth doing while it was in bits, and finding a difficult to source bit in the stalls was a bonus. After loosing out playing in the arena on Thursday, the Spartan performed well on Friday and Saturday. It is now caked in mud, which I still have to clean, but I am very pleased we made the effort to take it to the show, despite the break down in Hythe. Life would be boring if we didn't have these adventures!
  12. If you have a dead one you can swap the bits to a 101B CVRT engine. They are much easier to find! Chris
  13. Post the number and we can see if it means something or is just made up!
  14. That conversion in 1980 was probably fitting clansman radios. The sabre conversion would have been in the early/mid 90s and the scimitar conversion between 2004 and 2014. Post some photos and the Merlin report in this thread, there are some de-coding experts out there! Chris
  15. Ok, well that explains why you won't find an SCI number. Your vehicle was built as a Scorpion, then converted to a Sabre, and finally a Scimitar. You'll be looking for an SCO number. The tag with this number is welded to the back of the hull, see attached photo.
  16. The hull number is the SCI-xxx number. What is the military registration number? Chris
  17. You can buy most of the manuals here: http://www.greenmachinesurplus.com/cvrt-cvrw-63-c.asp They are not available as pdf, when you see how many pages some of them are you can see how much effort it is to reproduce them. Chris
  18. [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] These were at Bordon as training aids, sold in the Withams tender sale the other week and you saw the same Hamptons truck I did.
  19. We were there Sunday to Sunday in Kitchener's field with the CVRT Spartan and Striker. Had a good week, despite a few mechanical issues. The Spartan broke down on the road run into Hythe due to the throttle cable coming off the injector pump. During the repair we found the fan bearings were totally knackered, I missed the fans for sale at the show the day before and Kent Bearings couldn't help, so had to get the spare from home. Other than that it was an enjoyable week, despite the rain. I thought the show seemed quiet at the start of the week, but filled up by Wednesday. Yes, a lot of vehicles were missing, but how many of you went for the day and left your vehicles at home? I thought the officials dealt with the mud very well over the weekend, despite all the idiots driving around when they shouldn't, and all the cars which got stuck trying to get through the mud. Looking forward to next year, as long as there is a show I will go. It is what you make it, and for me a week off work, camping in a field with my friends and playing with our toys is what it is all about.
  20. Hi Clive, Thanks for the info. We hoped someone would be able to use it as originally intended, but not many sunderlands about! Chris
  21. A friend found this in a shed, it is broad arrow marked. Does anyone recoginse it? Chris
  22. Sadly not our armour as it looks unlikely they will make it after my transport let me down at the last minute. My backup transport is also not working out.
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