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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Actually your reply is kind of in link step with reality. A deal was struck that appeared to dissolve last year but reports appear to indicate that I may be getting the bike after all. It has a sordid if not murky past but I will out the truth eventually Likely I might ask you to spin a wrench on it for money Nic. Thanks Robin
  2. Welcome from the keeper and operator of a Bv206, also in Ontario. Yes I got your pm, prefer emails, will reply Nice collection of kit going on. I have a Sepson winch manual which I can send along or send you the link. Regards Robin
  3. Found it again http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/361187997094?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT R
  4. Dear Neil, seeing as how you asked I will elaborate. There was a really nice Rhodesian Army recruiting pamphlet or poster on ebay uk at that time with a Ferret on the cover. I wanted to make sure a Rhodesian Ferret owner got a crack at it. I was also eager to see if we could flush any of the many lurkers out from the shadows, but none emailed me, as is oft the case when they wish to remain under cover. I went to school with a white Rhodesian lad who was the son of a farmer, we boarded together, saw and heard a whole different perspective after spending a term with him. Regards Robin
  5. Hello "P", It is ex Canadian and mightily unloved. There were only 124 of them. I have a full set of spare bins and fenders off another Ferret for sale should you buy it. Contact me off line ie through email please. Regards Robin
  6. We have to prove a J60 we are putting in a Spartan his year, hopefully. We have a run up stand that was made for us in the UK and sent out with the engine. We think we will add a radiator and allow it to run for quite a while. R
  7. I am talking about the generic trailer made by Sankey and others in that same pattern, narrow and wide tracks. The later wide tracks have a reflector on either side at the back. Mine has the red triangle. I bought this trailer this week for a friend, and noticed it has the style with the white centreless triangle with red round reflectors embedded. I thought the white style was older? Robin
  8. Great news, my hat is off to you for taking it on, hope being married is going well also Robin
  9. Did you notice the track on different ways on different sides on the Chieftain? Nice looking R
  10. Dear Paul, It may help other help you if you fill in the "where you live" section of your profile so it shows up on the top right corner of you post. The stuff is called trackmak or something similar, comes in big rolls, boat folks use it as well. Supply is limited and usually rare. Good luck, we dont have any out here in the colonies R
  11. Depending on what vehicles people have of this series I might be interested in buying one. My list would be:- A Land Rover Eager Beaver fork lift CVR(T) or (W) or just tell me what you have, maybe it will become flavour of the day R
  12. In the 1960s and 1970s I recall that the local recruiting offices around the country in the High Street had wonderfully detailed vehicle models all painted up and looking very much like the real things. Somehow they were not necessarily all the same scale I seem to think. Does anyone else recall them? By whom were they made by? Do any still exist? Do they come up for sale? Can anyone post some pictures up here? Thanks R
  13. Does anyone here have a connection or own one? If so PM me asap please, its in your interest to do so R
  14. I honestly did not think any have been released as yet but can anyone confirm or deny that? Thanks Robin
  15. Kyle, welcome! I guess all hope is not lost and there are some following along behind us who actually do give a fiddlers fig about our hobby. Welcome Robin
  16. Dear John, I feel a bit awkward as ANTAR pointed out that you are in actual fact a Lord, and yes I did look you up. I take my cue from you, that you sign off at John and nothing else, so I am taking it that in these circles that is how you wish to be addressed. If I am wrong and have offended then I apologise ahead of time. Otherwise I will let that one rest. Thanks for the explanation of what your methodology is, makes perfect sense. What a wonderful overhaul it will be once finished. I guess by now you know the vehicle so well that you almost feel you can do it in your sleep? Kind regards Robin
  17. Are all those fittings in the bins on the wagon all ones you have cleaned up and have now had them plated for re use? You are very brave sir! Robin
  18. Dear Brian, welcome to the forum, we would all love to hear of your tales and experiences and any photos would be amazing. Robin
  19. Joe, I did some digging around tonight, didn't come up with a definitive answer but have some leads. Have sent an email to an EME knowledgeable person. Standby R
  20. Dear Chris, thanks for posting those, I did send some pictures to Chris but didn't post here. Thanks R
  21. There are more pictures appearing on FB posted by Paul Stretton. I have asked him how we can load them over here and await to see if he will join of he will allow me to post on his behalf. The details that are coming out on FB are expanding, we are now seeing the first images of Combat Engineer Tractors in use up front and the damage sustained. Robin
  22. Does anyone here have any knowledge of how the Shielder was converted to become the Sherman mule for filming? Someone must know something R
  23. What is the source of the information that leads you to think it has a REME past? MERLIN report would be nice. R
  24. Dear Saxmanguy, I don't think you quite realise how significant it is to see these pictures and actually put numbers to vehicles. I know for one that I am going to load up the UK MOD FOI inbox tonight, will post the results as soon as I get them Off to plow snow! Robin
  25. From what I have seen from others, the RLC system of data retrieval has really managed to get up and dare I say it fly. Very fast response times recently for friends of mine. I think they now have everything accessible, I wonder if it is worth trying them again as you may have asked during a changeover period originally Robin
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