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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. the exact details are not on hand but the story in Canada kind of went like this. Canada is getting out of the tank bussines, get rid of the Leopards. Remove the turrets and cuts a slab out of in front of the driver and sell them running through Crown Assets disposal. First 14 go up for disposal and the end user agreement and blessing from Germans were obtained. They sold for around $17,000 if memory serves me right. Suddenly the need for tanks in Afghanistan was realised and on a dime the policy changed and all were put into a refurb / upgrade program. Our turrets even ended going down to Australia but that is another story. End result is that are about 14 of them that came out running and one is occasionaly seen near Toronto owned by a tow truck operator. Just a side bar to a sad story R
  2. Paul, I will HAPPILY pay the postage and whatever you want for the bracketry. I have the two basic SA80 clip sets (ie enough for two rifles) so need everything else. I would much prefer to put money in your pocket for it than pay a company I dont know. Will happily do an emt or paypal or whatever your choice. Did you ever want those Newhaven postcard books I offered you yonks ago? Can we take this to email please? R
  3. But if anyone has the part numbers of the stay and brackets to hold the weapon mounts that would be grand so I can go chase them Thanks R
  4. what a plonker I am, someone has already done this question here http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?13908-SA80-Mounts Sorry R
  5. Can anyone show me some drawings sketches or mabe some pictures of how the two SA80 mounts are set in a Land Rover, kind of the early 110 vehicles not more modern Wolf ones. I think there are some manufactured brackets that the weapon clips get bolted to. I need to figure out what they are. Any help or tips or leads gratefully received Cheers R
  6. The issue with the .50 cal or any weapon for that matter is that unless the operator can turn around within the opening with the weapon turning with him / her in front you can not get 360 degree firing capability. The roof hatches on the BV206 come from the factory with a square opening which is shown in this trials photo. This is the only image I have seen with provenance that proves a British machine is the platform. The vehicle is 54 KJ ** and is likely a D6 judging by the snout. This was reportedly at the Infantry Trials and Development Unit (ITDU) at Warminster. The operator is a Welsh Guardsman. There are a few images on the web claiming to be 45 Cdo but when you look closely it may be their personel but it is not their Bv206. In the end the Bv10S was issued. Back to you R
  7. Nick, I think you are chasing phantoms. Tried calling you at the shop but you were awol I think that to mount a .50 on top of that body you would need to spread the weight massively and would guess that there is a roof to floor strut assembly. I'm interested to see what you turn up, there are a few images on a google search. R
  8. Bet you dont have the sale catalogue with it in it do you Tony? Yes, I have been driving it around our lovely island. Went visiting this young lad who turned 6 that day and gave him his birthday presents including a Corgi Land Rover toy. He will come for a ride one day. His name is Trevor, and for those of you old enough, he is clever even if he wears mismatching socks! R
  9. I love it, cool ride. How does it drive? Do you like the cab over / forward control set up? Whats the engine and top speed like? Corners? R
  10. The vehicle bearing the LF10 registration plate looks awfully familiar in that very shiny paint job. Back in 1997 or maybe 2000 the was a group of vehicles and this or very similar was one of them. They had all the toys and even had some kind of modular tentage or maybe it was hardsided modular accomodation. They were a "different" crowd and were somewhat elusive as to who they were or where they were from. They had all kinds of kit that was only just released or we thought not even released. Interesting to see that picture which has jogged my dim memory thanks R
  11. A careful study of the front of the vehicle shows no signs of the VRN plate ever being bolted or rivetted on. A quiz over on FB and a bold decision and voila I have painted the background for the VRN on the front and rounded the corners and painted the plate for the back. A ton of time was wasted today on non MV tasks and that :shake: knackered my spare time but I still managed to get a bit done. If i get time on my breaks I will get the number up tomorow. I'm kind of working backwards around the subject but creeping up on it slowly and making headway regardless. R
  12. Dear Bryan, yes I spotted that also, no clue myself, looking for all the answers and help I can get R
  13. Strangely there appears to be a typo as the first line of the history is "67" as the year yet that is before the "date into service" R
  14. I was floored by the turn around time of the FOI request I sent in. This arrived back the other day. If anyone can make some sense of it that would be appreciated. Sadly it comes back as a screen capture so I have taken a picture and posted that here. It was with 5 airborne brigade logistics battalion and with 7 Royal Horse Artillery which has an Airborne role. It seems that it has been around in Germany mostly. The gap is the early years of service which Merlin doesn't show. R
  15. So we have a few people with Samsons. How about some thoughts on the winch assembly and using it and maintaining it ? Are there any unique querks to the Samson that none of the other CVR(T)s have ie pto issues etc? What manuals are the most useful and what should one know that is not in the manual? I have to go shopping for manuals next week. The ex Littlefield Samson, which so Chris correctly points out is actually a Belgian vehicle made to look like a Brit vehicle. It is now in Canada and I have been asked to help him get it fully functional, we are friends. We want to do some "living history" kind of stuff with it. R
  16. Does anyone collect this stuff? If so you might want to contact me by email R
  17. So, I have just sent off the FOI request for the history, lets see what I get for nothing and then follow up elsewhere if needed. I had this old plate kicking around so I have a local supplier cut two blanks and I will make up some ersatz plates soon Little by little it will get done R
  18. And it is now for sale for an optimistic price for a less that perfect condition. Leah, good luck getting your money. Here is a link to the listing http://www.kijiji.ca/v-cars-other/edmonton/1958-alvis-solimander-fire-truck-rolls-royce-engine/1012332967?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true R
  19. Dear Lauren, A very heartfelt congratulations to you and Chrissy, long may the two of you be happy. It is grand to see someone find a partner with whom they can share their life with. Love the green tank. Robin Craig Canada
  20. Welcome along Derrick, Can I stop asking questions on your behalf now? Nice to see the truck looking so spiffy. Yes im on the job with your bits R
  21. I have you and few other people to thank as I have resisted the dreaded "take-apart-itis" disease with one of my vehicles and will be following your bit by bit approach to achieve an end result but keep my vehicle capable of running and moving all the time. Grand job, love the tyres, that is my fave tyre pattern, regardless of age appropriateness. Keep on going! R
  22. If you look at the photo album and the museum pictures there are Ferrets in both R
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