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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. What role did the FV432 play? Was it dead or was it used to shunt the T? R
  2. Nick, is the slave socket set up part of the kit and if not what is its part number and where do you get them from? I have not seen that slave socket for sale anywhere, it is what I am looking for on a different project any leads would be great, thanks in advance Robin
  3. If you look at the centre bin on the lead vehicle and the front on the second vehicle I think this may be a "road runner" in a yellow or gold Similar to what is on the side of my C/S 31 R
  4. There has been some very good work done to record the history of Ferrets in Canadian service over the years. However, there are some pictures that dispel the myth that Canadian used Ferrets were only Mk1 vehicles. Make it clear that we didn't say owned. The premise is that they were loaned. Both Chris Preston in BC Canada and myself seem to have a rivet counting need to set the record straight. We both have found a picture of both a Mk1 and a Mk 2/3 marked up in what he believes and I concur are Fort Garry Horse markings in Cyprus. Interestingly I found an image attributed to the Royal Canadian Dragoons in Germany. I have found that 2nd LT Peck in the Ferret is still live and we are trying to interview him. I thought I had posted this earlier on the forum but I couldnt find it so am redoing it for the record. Robin and Chris
  5. I have this lamp, nicely made,, appears complete. Any idea of usage / origins? I am looking to unload it eventually but need to know more about it first. Maker is CEAG from Bransley Anyone? R
  6. The one Nic mentions "at his parents gas station" is not for sale. The owner is on here as "mwarrior" or something similar, he used to live in Toronto but has relocated. His name is Gagan and he is a fairly decent chap just a bit pushed for time and space. His one came from A & S in the UK. I was supposed to go visit it at again at Christmas but the day ran short and night time in an arctic climate are not the best times to go crawling around armoured vehicles. Hopefully he is going to build a "shed" of some kind for it. Robin
  7. That is funny, I was going to message you Tony and ask you to bid for me on one of them. Too funny Like minds . . .or sick minds as "she" says! Robin
  8. The water jerry cans are a black plastic and I wish to leave them au naturel (thats for you Nic) and so no I wont be pinting them. I have a mate with a hot water pressure washer that is free so he will be my first port of call Thanks for the ideas Will keep you posted Robin
  9. I have some plastic water jerry cans, the British ones. They are scruffy and over painted with a few layers of paint of a horrid civvy colour. Whats a good way to take the paint off? Thanks Robin
  10. Actually Howard it is a real military trailer by Rogers, kind of like this, but I do know of the tow behind type you refer to. The one in question has a small portion that does not tilt at the front. Robin
  11. Paul, It has more presence than needed because it can't move fast enough because fitting the non standard tyres has thrown the gearing all out of whack. Sadly while it may look cool it really isn't. The cab design is from the age when Noah was truck driver and the dash has a big decal stating "hearing protection must be worn". The drivers seat is about as subtle as a bale of straw. It isn't a favourite in the fleet, and is starting to show that because we dont use it much at all, I think it needs to be sold. R
  12. I know someone who did a similar thing with an M818 and put big Michelin X series boots on single rims. End result the trailer gooseneck had to be cut and spliced and no is a matched pair as nothing else will fit. Not my toys, not my problem R
  13. Howard. your barking made mate! Did you do the paint job? What is the sign on the back? Will the 101 pull it? Robin
  14. Welcome on board, I am very impressed with your skills in English, I can not speak or write or understand Dutch, very impressive. R
  15. Please contact me by email, I may have options for you. Email works best for me Thaks R
  16. Ruxy, you forget I am in Canada it seems. The first owner in Canada after sale is a chap who makes his money selling used stuff, he doesnt have the 654 or even if he did i likely heated his workshop for one second in his wood stove. The fatc it came out of BATUS is a given as this chap only buys BATUS gear. Next owner never registered it, did the plate swaperoo game. Hope this helps Robin
  17. I have done an FOI request and received the reply from the nice folks at the MOD. The problem is that the history doesnt ever show the trailer in question ever coming to Canada and also it claims it was disposed of in the UK at Withams and yet I know that it was sold over here not Withams. I have sent MOD a picture of the data plate just in case I am myopic and cant read but if not then Merlin is so wrong. Any thoughts? Robin
  18. I am assuming you have seen and been in a bunch of these vehicles you lust for? If not you might want to try them on for size. I was surprised to find how much more cramped getting in and out of a Fox was compared to a Ferret when I tried them Robin
  19. You are struggling with the problem of provenance that I have challenged many people to share their data but no one has yet to date. The link between that small plate tack welded to the hull and then covered with the larger bolt on data plate is non existent in the public domain thus far. Once we do see that connection made and the number shown we will I really suspect find some vehicles that have the wrong army numbers. Until that day we exist in a vacuum Robin
  20. Dear Nick and others, I am in touch with the Southern Ontario owner of the round the Isle of Wight modified machine, his asking price is outside what in reality it will fetch. The perceived and actual once again separated by a large margin. I saw some emails about the museum issue and did reply. Robin
  21. Good day, I have tried to keep tabs on this and other Stalwart like variants but these darn civvies just wont comply and communicate! What I am trying to get across is while we may all be as enthusiastic and wanting to preserve these machines the current owners have their own agenda and we may not be part of it, and frankly it is their perrogative to do just that. No matter how rare something is does not make it have a high monetary value which usually is a real tick off to the current owners and they have a hissy fit when you tell them that, no matter how gently. There was a Stolly tour beast sold recently and I was in touch with the seller but it all fizzled out. Trust me I have been sickeningly sweet and soft and non pressuring and trying to be helpful etc but that is real life. Robin
  22. I think that a this distance it will likely have been binned a long time ago, you are clutching at straws in the wind. I would try the regiment concerned to see if they have a unit diary as that would be kept and the details will be in there. Good luck R
  23. I have been bombarded with scam emails since posting a milweb advert, really regret that now. R
  24. I'm not sure what your search skills are but you might try the local German newspaper archives for the town in which the accident happened, that may get you something. I know its a long shot but you never know. If you had the recods card it may have gone for a rebuild after, that is another clue. Great idea and shows a lot of respect for the poor chap who lost his life. Robin
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