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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Yesterday we hauled the BV back from our storage building to the main workshop. The auto gearbox came back from rebuild a few weeks ago but the shop has been tied up with some other projects. We recently received a straight tow bar which has been invaluable in shunting powerless kit around. Here is the BV being hauled backwards by the New Holland TS 90 tractor with pintle hitch. We shunted it into the shop last night to warm up. We will be putting this back together tonight. Sorry about the picture quality R
  2. Phil, do you have a set of these for your machine? We have never fitted them, but might do in the next month on our own time not work time, just to see what it runs like. R
  3. Ive looked at this for a while and scratched my head, im thinking that it might have been a factory mount for a short antenae like a PYE that never got actually used in theatre? Thats the most intelligent one I can think of. I was thinking that the user would "drill hole to suit" kind of deal? Either that or a "shoe" mount for two tones maybe? Robin
  4. Proving once again that the modern man's army is going soft and not like it was when "we" were in. The forward troops have requested from stores "latrine, officers standard" be delivered with haste as the new compo rations now manufactured in India seem to be taking their toll on the command structure. R
  5. Does the Royal Marine Museum have any kind of curator who can assist in directing you on your search? Would that not be the logical place to start seeing as it is within your "own family" as it were? R
  6. So Cosrec, would this be a good example of being too high for an attachement point with near disasterous result? R
  7. Well don't hold back man! The rest of us following along at home here would like to see those pictures as well. . . . now back to the studio. R
  8. The Jan 31st 2011 tender sale at Withams has lots 61 to 65 listed as Land Rover Snatch vehicles 30 KK 55, 26 KK 58, 29 KK 25, 29 KK 75 and 27 KK 28 There is nothing about "accident damaged" or "armour removed" the suggested price is GBP 4,500 Buyers should be aware that a related brochure is on ebay at the moment here:- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200512642134&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT and a manual here:- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370471224142&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Regards Robin
  9. dear reccymech, yes please, do post more pictures and or recollections true or altered! R
  10. So, for those "eagle eyed" ones you will have noticed I called ours a TRV yet the in service pictures show it as a Fire Unit. That is because the went through a rebuild and the firing post was removed to supply parts for other vehicles, which is why it was re roled to a TRV. This is genuine and not a Walt vehicle. Here is as she is now with us. we have yet to do much with her, other projects are higher on the list right now. No it is not me in the pictures R
  11. Here are a few more pictures of Stormers, mostly at BATUS. Of note there is a standing order that prohibits the placement of the tent on the exhaust side of the vehicle. R
  12. To get an idea of just how many Stormers were in service take a look at this line up in Sennelager, Germany. R
  13. Next up are some pictures of 87 KJ 70, which is our vehicle. The first is at a change of command parade, think it may be at Manorbier in Wales, which is the only UK range that they get fired at. The other two show ours on Ex Saif Saree in Oman in 2001 Anyone notice anything so far? R
  14. I am fortunate that I am tenacious and have an investigative and inquisitive mind and a can do attitude. I have since acquisition of our Stormer TRV (Troop Recce Vehicle) 87 KJ 70, made a connection with someone in the know who will remain silent and anonymous for the time being. Please bear in mind the registration number of our vehicle as it is interesting. I have been provided pictures of the family of vehicles in various states of usage. There is no permission for others to use these pictures anywhere else. These pictures show 87 KJ 60 in service, the last two are at BATUS here in Canada. Of interest to those with "eagle eyes" is the difference in the track. R
  15. I cant understand why you are going via the UK. There should be RO Ro or container service direct. It would help if you either pm me or post what it is you are sending and why through the UK. I have plenty of experience in exporting from the UK and the problems involved. Feel free to contact me by any means R
  16. I have drawn a blank on your manuls Phil, sorry R
  17. As per Richard Farrants post on another thread the French ones are copies of the Ferret ones. Eager Beaver tyres will do the same job, I think, as that is what we have on our Fox. R
  18. Andy, I did try to change the thread title, if you notice I changed the first one but it doesnt cascade through, I guess a moderator will have to change it. I am well aware that it is a Stormer TRV R
  19. Ziger zager Oi Oi Oi Any more clues on who these people were now you two know who each are? R
  20. Chris, my budget is not limitless, i've just dropped GBP 184 for manuals, any books we get are on my coin unless i get a management buy in! R
  21. Here is a walk around done the other day, hope it gives people some insight to the vehicle. No, the handsome guy in the vehicle is not me. R
  22. Does anyone have these books and could they do a review on them as to what they think about them. I am considering buying them as we now have a 436. R
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