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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Welcome to the forum Cliff, not too late to change the ambi back to a milspec version. . .. please post pictures of your exploits in "company cars" as some of us now own or maintain them and gasp for original pictures in use so we dont have to paint wheel nuts and pintle hitches red! R
  2. So, Richard, Is it fair to say that I am "clean out" of ideas then? R
  3. Dear All After a few weeks of fence stting and thinking that for sure I knew what this was I bought it on eblag from one of the regular sellers. The numbering on the package is W15/4510-99-208-9344 with a description of "pack adj tool". I had thought that this was the tool for removing the top of the Vokes fuel filter cannister so commony found in British MVs. Upon receipt the engaging end has a slot that is a bit wide at 5/8" for the spindly cross bar on the top of the Vokes units in my opinion. It is 5" tall and does not have any method of engaging a ratchet handle into the top like I thought it would have. It will likely work at worst as a paperweight on my desk but I would love to know what it is really for and if my suspicions are correct. Thanks in advance Pictures are: top view, bottom view, side and side views R
  4. I seem to recall that Bob Morrison has done an article or several on the generational changes that have occured. Photos of vehicles in service do give some good reference material. R
  5. Here are some pictures of them in service, which if you look at the markings confirm what is shown in the pile. Thanks for confirming my suspicions were correct Andy! R
  6. The vehicles bear licence marks or showings of where they were that are similar to "foreign" usage, so I would surmise that the picture is most likely non UK. The vehicles look like some of the Otokar produced coil sprung Land Rovers, especially those wide rear body types. My 2 cents worth R
  7. cosrec gives another demonstration in his lessons on recovery using improvised equipment R
  8. I have been accused recently of having closet interests myself. One of those like yourself is model making, I have mentioned it in passing before. Funnily enough I have some kits in storage that might have helped you 1/24 scale project. One of them is the old ESCI 109" kits, they were brilliant. I have a photo of an RAF Police Range Rover in Germany out of the Ian Allan publication Armed Forces for which I have an early 2 door ESCI kit to act as the basis. The old series of articles by Bob Morrison on Military Land Rovers and the variations one can make from the 1/35 and 1/24 kits around is useful material that I would be willing to copy and share if you are interested. Tim Neate did some godd stuff years ago too. I do have a pair of Land Rover models that I have recently come across from years ago that I should take some snaps off and explain. Regards and Welcome Robin
  9. Thought Adrian Barrel might like this, and the rest of you as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO5VrP3gcmI R
  10. Hmm wonder if they would do door / hatch seals, similar gig eh? R
  11. Basic USMC Seal Training course Number 101, "How to attract the opposite sex underwater" R
  12. Oh Alien Relax a bit mate. Im just saying that Im more determined now to get to the bottom of this more than ever before! No worries mate R
  13. Okay, you two nay sayers are making me more determined than ever before. Im going to prove you guys wrong but it may take time. . . . R
  14. Just so we are clear, for those who dont remember my "who is this guy" thread I have a memory for the most part like a steel trap and know my Brit MVs. They were CVRTs and it was Hong Kong and was within the last 5-7 years. Im not going to be swayed by anyone, I know what I saw and I will find them! R
  15. Knowing how small Hong Kong is, and knowing the person that took them the pictures, they were 100% genuine. The person concerned came back from living there 3 years ago and the pictures were maybe at the most 2 years before that. I am now on another Google satelite hunt. R
  16. welcome Buzz, as you have already worked out we have a TRV Stormer. Thanks for your post in my gearbox thread. Im sending you an email in the next few days Robin
  17. Turns out that it is owned, along with a large variety of other things green by a company that specialises in vehicle rentals for the film and TV industry. Have spoken to the owner, he is very interested in hiring some of our kit for an upcoming movie. The Bv206 may be for sale after the movie R
  18. I did search around but could not find anything so here goes for a couple of favourite working practices that were passed down to me by people over the years. When doing fluid changes on equipment / vehicles, especially if they were a runner when they came in for the work, make sure you can remove the FILL plug before you remove the DRAIN plug. If you dont and the fill does not open you cant refill the cavity and the item is now a non runner. Always do the side by side check of new parts and dont throw out the old parts until the new are proven to work as you may have to re install the old one. Thats it for a start R
  19. Was in a major metropolitan area this weekend and not a few yards from a major highway I went back to visit an obscure place my lady had spotted the last time we were down that way. She said "I saw strange military trucks and things". Upon investigation there were hummers and other american stuff but what really caught my eye was this. doesnt look like they know what they are doing with it and hopefully it may be for sale. . . . R
  20. It will do exactly as the sticker says on the side. It has some kind of controler as does the fuel fired heater in our BV206. They have cool down cycles etc regardless of wheteher you have turned them off. They need to do this so they dont self incinerate. The heater is good and would be a real asset in any vehicle as it exhausts it gases overboard and gives you warm air inside, would take the chill off anything. Our Stormer TRV has one in it also. R
  21. So Metroman, what did you hit? Looks like a tree or some other type of wooden object that must have "jumped out" into your path! Come on fess up mate, no one here is perfect, we have all made mistakes. . . R
  22. Minty, very generous offer but im sure it would cost a bomb to send it out to us in Canada! Let me think if I can store it somewhere for a while, if not its a no go, but thanks for the offer. R
  23. Metroman, would you be able to take some detail photos and scribble something dimensioned in the way of a drawing fo that roof basket, we have a 436 with the lug mounts but no basket and I want to make a faithfull copy. Thanks R
  24. Alex it might help to post what your Land Rover's army registration was so that those of us who dont have a life and amass useless research material may be able to troll them to see if we have your "truck" in a picture. . . R
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