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Now this is an Odd one!

paul connor

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When I was strippin the roof lining out of my Landrover.. I pulled the section around the sun roof down and jumped for a second. An Evil looking spider confronted me! I froze then bashed it with the trim clip removal tool. Not very friendly I know! but the Spider was hardly saying welcome to the roof lining gap...


All I noticed was it was a fair size, not huge but enough to make you jump at eye level! I let go of the roof lining! when I returned I could not find it! I just remember it being very black with a stylish motif on its arse.. in ...errr........Red.


Now this did not trigger anything in my mind until talking to me G-friend and she mentioned "black widows" as All spider conversations go! but when I googled an Image it looked pretty much like the little bugger I saw! Now I ruled this out with the usual logic... untill




Ok there is no link... but My new landrover came from the very same Merthyr Tydfil weeks before!!!


I did burn the egg sacks with WD and a lighter.. not very NSPCA but can you blame me!


So... What was it I saw? it looked like a black widow



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I've read several similar stories over on the hot rodding forum where folks have shipped cars over from California & find themselves getting attacked by unfriendly natives when they start disturbing them !One guy said that even after he had his vehicle fumgated there is still something living in there that sets about him from time to time .

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I've read several similar stories over on the hot rodding forum where folks have shipped cars over from California & find themselves getting attacked by unfriendly natives when they start disturbing them !One guy said that even after he had his vehicle fumgated there is still something living in there that sets about him from time to time .


One of my Jeeps, a California import had a similar looking spider resident inside the chassis rail, dislodged it with the pressure washer, although it was dead it sure looked sinister

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When my Jeep was uncrated from its journey across the pond, they found spiders inside it and had to seal it up and fumigate it. Found lots of dead spiders but not a live one. Still, nasty though. A friend had a similar problem with a Jeep brought in from Australia, and those spiders are well nasty.


Tim (too)

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I'd say it is a False Widow. Not good. When I was a kid growing up in Stoke Newington, my mate Steve and I got a job clearing the garden of a well-heeled Caribbean lady who'd just moved into a house near us. She'd put her packing crates in the garden and gave us a few cans of Heineken to help us get on with the job. The spiders we found in her garden made us call a halt. The size of them was scary...bigger than my adult hand is now in some cases. The woman wouldn't come into the garden when we showed her one.


James and rescued a bubble bee from a spider today. Not strictly right, but, I like bees.



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Hi all,

i am sure there was a local news item several years ago re exotic spiders and small scorpions living in small colony's close to Southampton freight port especially during the summer months when they could survive the weather.



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Tried them in '77 on the docks/customs sheds at Calais.... they insisted on unloading the MK's and Landies of the rearguard to search for "things" then went to walk off afterwards. The Occifer I/C asked were the hell they were going, they said it was down to us to reload the vehicles (they had used fork lifts and expected us to do it by hand). So the Occifer turned the air blue in Froggly-speak and, long story short, we wound up using the tools of the trade as an (effective) counter-argument......:evil: :evil:


Need I say more save that the customs wallahs and their fork lifts turned round and reloaded the vehicles???

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