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Ekranonplan - the "Caspian Sea Monster"


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This beastie qualifies for the aviation section - Just - as it does actually fly - albeit only a few feet above the surface by using the phenomenon known as "Ground Effect". Some reports from the BBC and Mr James May:











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There is a programme comes around on the satellite documentary channels about it. There are those who thought a fleet of them might have allowed the commies to launch a full and very fast seaborne invasion using them, carrying far more payload than an airborne invasion using the same number of aircraft. Hence their intense desire to keep it secret.

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There were I belive several versions. Civilian small ones have /are being made. From what I've heard through informed gossip, its like the question 'Who was the first man in space?'. there is much evidence that Yuri Gagarin is best described as the first to survive. No I'm not a conspiracary theorist. Rather like a lot of Western 'super' weapons, with umpteen engineers running around after it, and very careful parameters it may work , occasionally. You can consider the Star Wars proggramme, not a lot of chance of it working, but the fact it might, causes any opposition to commit resources to make sure it dosen't.

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