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Libya / Steam Tractor


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What an interesting picture! Do you have any more?


This engine certainly has a British look about it but I don't think it is a Fowler. The cylinder block is unusual in that it appears to have piston valves rather than slide. Also, the front wheels appear very spindly with far too few spokes. I would expect that to be a weakness in a machine which is subjected to heavy side loading whilst working.


I think that it is more likely to be of German manufacture or, in view of the colonial history of Libya, Italian. I know that Ansaldo built steam rollers under licence from Garratts of Leiston so I wonder whether perhaps they also built ploughing engines?


I am going as crew on a steam waggon to a show this weekend. I shall show your picture to some steam real experts and see what they think. I may have better information next week!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Kuno.


Sorry for the delay. My knowledgeable steam friends are of the opinion that this engine is a 'Kemna' which is German. Unfortunately, I know little of the company but a 1917 Kemna haulage engine, built for the German Army, exists in the UK. I will try and find a picture.





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Super pictures. Thanks Rick. The very few and lightweight spokes in the front wheels are quite distinctive


I had the great good fortune to have an outing on Mike Retmans Kemna and I have this pic. Unfortunately, as I was steering, I was too busy concentrating on what I was doing to take a decent pic! This is me anyway.






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Great news. Many thanks. Unfortunately this is the only picture I could take that time. Just next to the place is a police checkpoint on the road and they do actually not like to see foreigners with cameras in their vincinity...

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  • 1 month later...

I have been in contact with Mike who owns the Kemna in the pictures above and he doesn't think it is a Kemna!


He believes it's a MAN, produced in Germany between 1919 and 1921 of which a handful were exported to North Africa. The cylinder block shape suggests it's an MAN. What is unclear is what the odd arrangement of levers are for around where the crankshaft and con rod should be. Presumably these are something to do with the tackle.


So there you have it.





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Recently I came across two pictures in a book about the East African campaign of WW1; the German "Schutztruppe" used the wheels of some steam tractors as a carriage for the heavy guns they removed from the Kreuzer "Königsberg" after the vessel was destroyed. Looks a little bit odd - but it has worked...

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