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Happy birthday to SnowTracDave


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Gawsh....Dunno what to say .....Thanks guys for all your kind wishes.....sorry I didn't reply last night - was out being wined (well cidered actually) and dined by my family . I have now sent the dancing girls back...I'm pretty broad minded but ........well....REALLY......they said something about going back via Coal House Fort where some of the lads were going to put the willies up them - Must be one of the ghost hunting evenings there I suppose .

I got the flowers Jack ....but lillies ? Are you trying to tell me something ? I know that I am officially well and truly over the hill now, or so all my so called friends keep telling me , but I aten't dead yet .

Rosie - I had an absolutely crepe day yesterday - one of those when everything that can go wrong does but last night being taken out made up for it a bit and all your messages turned the day right around .

ABN (thanks for all the ST links by the way , several bits I'd not seen there) see above re being a grumpier old git . The cake I definitely got - on stage , in front of a full house , on Saturday night and the rest of my band and everybody there sang Happy Birthday to me & then we all had a bit of a party . Fortunately they put the full number of candles on due to the fire risk - they settled for a 5 and an 0 !

Cheers family , you're a great bunch .:-D

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