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This "Bullpup" conversion was released back in 1984 by Armament Research Corp to convert HK91 rifles into compact carbines. However it found poor sales due to ergonomic concerns.






There are a number of Bullpup conversions available for commercial action such as the Ruger Mini 14 and air actions. The Bull pup does make a shorter overall weapon for a given barrel length, but I am yet to be convinced of there overall superiority to conventional layout. If nothing else most will not do your hearing much good.


The British were designing bullpup weapons as early as the late 40,s with the EM-1.It fired a 4.85mm cartridge i believe.The predessesor to todays much maligned SA80 series of rifles.There is,or was one on display at the Armouries museum in Leeds.Heckler And Koch(then owned by BAE ordanance) were assigned with the modification work on the SA80A2.But problems still persist,but no where near to the extent with the original SA80.

For left handed people like me they simply cannot be used.



Fire it right-handed. Not as arrogant as it might at first sound: I was quite capable of shooting an SLR or an SMG (the latter only whilst wearing a respirator to catch the hot ejected empty cases) equally well with right or wrong (left) hand.


Sterling Armaments did a lot of work in the early to mid Seventies on the bull-pup design. The SA80 bears an uncanny resemblance so I assume that the ROF took over the design when Sterling folded.

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