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goal GMC


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Up till now we have only had British Vehicles but have decided to swap sides & buy a Jimmy 353.

This is going to be an interesting journey & i'll let you all know how the hunt goes.

there is something to be said about getting older & prefering a vehicle that you can pull up to a rally in & get straight into a bed in the back as opposed to putting a tent up & assembling camp beds etc.

All we have to do now is keep an eye on Milweb & wait for the next windscreen unless anyone has any usefull leads they wouldn't mind sharing.


It came down to a toss up between a Jimmy & a REO but we prefer to stay with WW11 so a Jimmy it had to be, although the REO has a much sexier sound. :wink:

Any help would be usefull guys so

Cheers for now


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Berni, although we havn't actually met yet, were near to falling out already......."the REO has a much sexier sound" you should be ashamed,..... and I'm not sure Ransom Eli Olds would approve of your language either.


Good luck with your hunt.



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firstly to karoshi,

the Reo may have a sexier sound but the Jimmy has a much stronger personality & character. :wink:

Sexiness wears off after a while & gets a bit boring if theres nothing else to back it up but the Jimmy would be like a life long friend who would have more to offer in the long run.

The jimmy wins hands down but that whistle will still be sexy. :)


To shane,

it would depend on the price really & the extent of the restoration

we are not shy of a restoration job & have done a few in the past few years.

We would have to see it first & then knowing russ he will take a fair few photo's study them for a few nights, compare the photo's to pictures in books & then say " well it's not as bad as it looks" :shock:

I'm sure most MV wives have heard that saying many times.

for some reason every vehicle we have bought so far have kind of 'spoke' to us. We can have 5 vehicles all the same in a row & only 1 will jump out & say " pick me"


We don't mind either way as long as it is the right one & we are not going into this with pre concieved ideas of what we want. We want everything & nothing at the same time.

We have already changed our mind about what to look for.

To start with we only wanted a soft cab but on looking over a few Jimmys this weekend we quite like the look of the hard cab with the gun ring.

Our minds are open so if you know of any for sale please pass on some details



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  • 2 weeks later...

theres not a lot around at the moment,

we have got loads of feelers out but as we have already got 2 MVs we are not desparate enough to buy the first one we see for sale.

As long as one comes along for the start of the season then thats fine.

hopefully a few will come up for sale over the winter as most people are still using them for shows at the moment.

In this hobby i think the saying patience is a virtue is quite right & if you hang on long enough you woont be dissapointed.

We have looked at a couple of hard cabs but would prefer a soft cab unless the hard cab had a gun ring ( which they haven't so far)

Never mind

Russ has just aquired a fse 50 which is a blast from his past & is on the road to restoration. This should keep him busy for a couple of weeks so he is slightly pre occupied with a new project , i'm sure you all know how these things start, but the GMC hunt is still very much alive.

I'll keep you updated as we go on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

well here is a picture of our new GMC. :shock:

















Well as you can see it is not quite a GMC but apparently it 'spoke' to him ( russ i mean).


I shall spend some time tomorrow & start off the Russian section with a restoration project that you can all follow.


The Gmc will have to be put on hold untill the Urral is finished but it should still be before the start of the next season.

This thread is not finished yet it is just hibernating for the winter :wink:

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Guest shane taylor

Laughing myself of the chair!!


How earth did Russ manage to that :shock: now I know that the 'I am hearing voices' gag is an old but isn't this taking it a bit to far :D


Looking forward to the Russian section but remind me never to ask your husband for a pint when I see him in a pub..............you just don't what he might come back with LOL




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It's lucky that I have a good sympathetic sense of humour :wink:

After being in this hobby for a few years i have got used to seeing hunks of rust transfomed & re born into perfect green macines.

I did say at the start that anything could happen but this is probably way beyond anyones imagination :lol:

I also do have to admit that russ has an appalling memory & if you asked him for a pint of cider he'd probably come back with a bag of apples. :?

It will be sunday now before i can get the bike uncovered properly to take some more photos so the Russian thread will have to wait a few more days.

The garage isn't such a lonely place once the tools & spare parts come out to play so watch this forum for an interesting journey into the (so far) unknown.



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  • 2 months later...

I have got an update for you

After a chance phone call last week & a visit to swindon this morning we are now the extremely proud owners of














a bit of TLC on the brakes, a new back canvas,( just bought in the last 5 minutes) a re spray on the bonnett & there we are.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


we are both so chuffed we keep smiling.

More photo's will follow once we get her uncovered and bought home.


ooohhhh this is so exiting.



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Bloomin well done Berni.


Really pleased for you, I know what that feeling is like, I even been know to go out at night and shine a torch at it :oops: :shock:


If you need to know anything about mirror arms then give me a shout :roll:


What made you guys go for a GMC? And what is it's history?

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She has been stood up for the best part of 10 years so a new master cylinder is on order to ensure the brakes are A1. She came with a new hydrovac so that bit is sorted.

lloyd, there are 2 brand new bar treads for the front wheels in the back but as it has just been laid up the owner didn't want to ruin them. Not sure what we will do about the rest of the tyres as yet as they have tons of tread left so may just run for a while with those while we are sorting the rest of her out

the screen was taken off as a safety measure and is in perfect condition as it was dry stored.

It has got the plastic/nylon 'canvas' on the back & as luck would have it a couple we know had a box body fitted to their GMC over the last winter so had no use for the real canvas which is only 3 years old. a phone call secured the sale so a virtually new canvas will be going on for the summer.

we will need a pair of doors though at some point.

the engine sounded sweet although the stale petrol stunk to high heaven.


thanks for all your good will messages & hopefully you can all get to see her in the flesh next season.



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