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Seaside Forts.


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By accident I stumbled across some information about some forts in the sea outside england. Can anyone provide a bit more information and perhaps som wartime photos!? Both ww1 & ww2.




width=640 height=480http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w197/martylee74/1277745963_b71344cff0_o.jpg[/img]

This photo I found on flickr.com





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That's very good! Really like them, but then again I like all forts... I guess it's not very safe to enter them these days after not being used for half a decade.


This sunday we're starting with the trenches around our snow fortress! :-)



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The two Humber forts are very neglected, covered with an incredible layer of seagull s***. the south one is accessible at some low tides, insofar as walking/paddling up to it but its not easy to get up on to it. Must be more than 10 years ago I remember the local tv being allowed on as there was talk(not for the first time) of the northern one being converted in to a hotel/holiday attraction, a bit along the lines of the one in the Solent, but as far as I know it has never come to anything. The amazing thing was that it was a bit of a time capsule as it had cereal packets from the time on the table, rusty bed frames etc still in the rooms. No armament though! IMHO neither the Humber Forts or the Thames ones though match the Dover Turret. Now that is one of the best kept secrets!

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