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British Armoured Vehicle

abn deuce

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Very Nice ,Ivor ...... You must have spent a lot of time to build it . Do you have any more photo's?


We borrowed one to copy, I measured all the sheet sizes and ordered the steel up. Took 6 Saturdays to cut it all to size and tack it up. Then 1 and a 1/2 days to weld it. Dave put the finishing touches to it himself. I do have a vid of us doing it but thats missing aswell.

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We had a spare FWD chassis that came off a golf course so used that. The original chassis on a LRC is slightly different but all measurements end up the same. Rear axle is a bit heavier aswell. Have got pics of building it but can't find them at the mo. Will post when they turn up.




Look forward to seeing those, mate.




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width=640 height=426http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh130/ivor_04/LRCchassis2.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=428http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh130/ivor_04/LRCchassis.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=433http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh130/ivor_04/LRCfrontbulkhead6.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=429http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh130/ivor_04/LRCnearside7.jpg[/img]

Here are a few pics of the start of the LRC project. First you get your old humber box chassis that has been on a golf course for 25 years, you clean it up and then you start chucking 2 ton of 6mm plate at it, course it should be thicker in the real world, but we figured nobody would be shooting at us so we went for a bit less weight!!

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:-) Cheers for those, Ivor;

Don't think I'd be using a Humber chassis,.............funnily enough, I don't seem to have one of those lying around, here :whistle:

Was tentertively thinking along the lines of 109 landrover. (this is still in VERY early thinking-planning stage, so might never happen,.....but then again,....... ;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it was Chapper's who had the bones of one and started to collect parts for it.



Your Spot on Mark ,We have the morris in the yard awaiting the better weather before removing the rare beast from under it's cover. I've got a 353 to finish first about3 weekends left and then I'll be starting a full restoration on the Morris,It's going to be a challenge but worth it being a British Historical vehicle for a change (for me anyway) .


regards to all



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width=494 height=500http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/373280147_9cf6399d17.jpg[/img]

French caption

Le lieutenant G. Cooper, cameraman du Canadian Army Photo and Film Unit, rencontre son beau-frère, le capitaine R. Muller d’Ottawa. Photo prise le 11 juillet, rue du Général Moulin à La Maladrerie (100 m plus haut à gauche l’entrée de la prison Beaulieu).

Is this the same vehicle?

width=600 height=629http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/thumbnailer.jpg[/img]

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I'd love to know what the censor saw fit to cut from the background right of the second picture. Until I noticed that something was missing, I had a gut feeling the picture looked like the sea-front at somewhere like Houlgate (where I used to holiday), just east of the Pegasus Bridge or Deauville a little further east, but the date of 11 July in the caption tells me it was probably still in the Canadian beachead. Gut instinct still says the sea is on the right of the picture. Maybe the censor removed an image of a Mulberry or similar?

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