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The Wanderer Returns


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Greetings HMVF'ers!


After an absence of some nine months, I have finally returned to the fold with an all new Internet Provider and computer, so my HMVF input should return to some form of consistancy from now on...................(Everyone groans....!)


Its interesting to note the new changes since I last posted a thread in March - Lots of new members in that time, a new look site and the official renaming of Joris to Joris Bolero - I am flattered indeed! :bow:


Has anybody noticed incidentally if Joris has finally got over the excitement of pushing the P-51 out of the Hardwick hangar back in July 8-) - He turned a very funny colour.......!


When I have told people that I'm not on the internet, people comment 'How do you manage without it?' In all honestly, I haven't really missed it a great deal, but I have missed coming on here from time to time and discussing the issues of hot importance vital to the war effort!


Just one thing more Jack, you mentioned that considering I have been absent for nine months, you were going to look into some form of discount on my annual membership fees.......... :what:


Considering the price of fuel lately............I will happily accept petrol coupons :whistle:

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Christ - I've just noticed that in my absence I've been promoted to a Sgt :schocked:


In which case, forget about the Petrol Coupons Jack - The rise in salary will more than compensate me.


All that leaves me to say in my newly promoted position is..........


"Would you all mind kindly stepping this way please.......three neat, tidy little ranks,

now that would be absolutely lovely!"

"Yon Mainwaring's taken leave of his senses - This i'll end in disaster, i say, disaster" :captain:



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A message to the Moderating team - I would like to see you all in the staff room please as I thought that I made it quite clear that Clive was to be banned from HMVF - how did he find this place again - has someone lent Clive their satnav :computerterror2:


Welcome back Clive Lee made me say that

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Hello Clive!


Welcome back and thank you for your kind words, the color of my face still has not changed since that fantastic weekend. The P51 was but one of the highlights!


9 months without internet :schocked:

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Greetings HMVF'ers!


Its interesting to note the new changes since I last posted a thread in March - Lots of new members in that time


Welcome Clive, please tell all us new members something about yourself in the RETURNING ABSENTEES section of Introductions and Welcomes board - do you have any vehicles, are you a modeller, had any experience of organising events? If not, see Jack, apparently he organised a spectacular one in East Anglia this year called 'Bolero' or something :whistle:

We've all been on extra oblutions duties in your absence - it's a heck of a mess in there :banana: :banme:

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Sat-Nav in Suffolk?


The last time someone used a Sat-Nav this far East it ended up taking them onto

the beach at Shingle Street :nono:


We prefer to use the more tried and tested method of 'dead-reckoning' in this sleepy

corner of the country - Left at the Anderson Shelter and first right before the AA Box!


But your right about Jack - He certainly organises a good do..........Look at the number

of people that supported his bash in East Anglia this July!


width=640 height=480


The Bolero Convoy contingent at Hardwick, Norfolk


width=640 height=480http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w205/suzannewitton/IMG_0444.jpg[/img]

The convoy arrives at Parham Airfield, Framlingham, Suffolk


width=640 height=480http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w205/suzannewitton/IMG_0449.jpg[/img]

The convoy moves off led by my WC-56


width=640 height=480http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w205/suzannewitton/IMG_0459.jpg[/img]

The admiring crowd applaude Jack's efforts!

(The fact that two P-51's and a B-17 had just finished displaying had nothing to do with it!)

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How come Clive was promoted to Sgt., when he actually went AWOL???????? :dunno:




PS Do like the new avatar Clive, but I thought you'd be too young to remember the 'Dukes'!!!



I remember the Dukes...and Knight Rider and A-Team....when did I get this old? :dunno:

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When we were at Bolero, Chicargo George (from Chicargo) did an awesome impression of Boss Hogg. Alright, so George's stature was a little on the wafe-like side, compared to Hazzard County's commissionaire, but the immitation of his voice was superb!


It went something along the lines of "I'm gonna give you 50 percent of my 50 percent, which leaves you 25 percent of my 50 percent and when you've spilt your 25 percent with Cletus, you'll have 50 percent of his 25 percent," or something like that!


Suffice to say, in George's American drawl, it was so bloody funny :-D


Incidentally, I will one day get a 69 Dodge Charger, with 01 on the doors. I would have to sell the Stuart if I wanted to get one right now and the way WWII Armour is going at the moment, that wouldn't be a shrewd move! But I will surprise you all one day when I turn up on Salisbury Plain for a road run playing the dixie air-horns, in an orange stock car :roll:



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Incidentally, I will one day get a 69 Dodge Charger, with 01 on the doors. I would have to sell the Stuart if I wanted to get one right now and the way WWII Armour is going at the moment, that wouldn't be a shrewd move! But I will surprise you all one day when I turn up on Salisbury Plain for a road run playing the dixie air-horns, in an orange stock car :roll:





Here's my mates one at the premier in Leicester Square.. he has now sold it...



width=300 height=200http://news.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40716000/jpg/_40716810_dukes_3.jpg[/img]


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