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It is if it comes off but ask your self why ELVINTON have not gone for it one it's not far from them two the factory which built it is down the road three when BEVERLEY closed they tried very hard to  get it. There is much to  the tale of the BLACKBURN BEVERLEY and questions that l would like to know


l see they are trying to raise 60,ooo to help a lot of comments on the BAE SITE at BROUGH were it was built l cannot see it happening unless they can get a benefactor with deep pockets

On 2/1/2024 at 6:18 PM, wally dugan said:

It is if it comes off but ask your self why ELVINTON have not gone for it one it's not far from them two the factory which built it is down the road three when BEVERLEY closed they tried very hard to  get it. There is much to  the tale of the BLACKBURN BEVERLEY and questions that l would like to know

I'm going to sound all pessimistic now, however.......Nobody wants to take on what is likely the equivalent of a black hole for money. 

For a start it's spent 3 years partially dismantled while exposed to the elements. It will need a complete inspection to find any parts now too corroded to remain structurally sound (those wings are rather heavy after all). Then a decision will need to be made as to whether any of them can be repaired or if replacements will need to be manufactured. And after putting it all back together, it will need to either be kept under cover (expensive to build) or require an almost constant effort at keeping it maintained (for reference, see the marine craft at Hendon for what happens when the locals object to building a shelter).  If not then they may find their insurers wont cover them when (not if) bits fall of and injure someone.


BRYAN  l know the problems first hand as for a number of years it was my job to look after it. The blackburn beverley  group of volunteers most of them ex blackburn aircraft workers and staff did a excellent  job of looking after it sadly most are no longer with us' Yes it is a black hole were money is concerned yes a hanger would be the answer and a fund was raised for its up keep my question is were is that money?


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