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Hi everyone,


Been reading the forums for a while, there's been some great posts that have helped me alot. I've been working on a Ford GPW for a year and a bit now, just waiting for Dept of Transport to sort out the registration and we're on the road. Hopefully after a year or so of fun in it, i'm going to strip her down to parts and restore her properly.

I'm no mechanic but will happily help anyone if I can.



Melchy :-D

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Hi everyone,


Been reading the forums for a while, there's been some great posts that have helped me alot.



Welcome Melchy and thank you for that as thats what HMVF is all about - there are some serious restorers on here, in fact some of them of been some of my best pupils :whistle:

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Melchy if you know which end of the spanner goes on the nut, and what a hammer is used for you know more than most. Rebuliding a vehicle if you started out knowing nought, you sure know about them now. Welcome to the club pull up a dancing girl.



thanks all. here's a picture of my baby.. looks a bit tatty in this one heh


width=640 height=480http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j215/melchybagot/My%20jeep/16092007074.jpg[/img]


Tony, if the spanner don't fit then bash it with a large hammer usually works for me


cheers all


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I m so sorry I think I got that wrong it might have been you put Jeeps in to keep the Dodges dry then you can drive over the lot with a Jimmie , Of course the Ward la France or Mack's or Hippo's ( my gosh those are huge) then top the pile until the Armour gets involved :-D :whistle: :angel:

Some one else will have to work out the pecking order to include all the MV's someday .

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