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Renault Maxter G300.4x4


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I have just bought a Renault Maxter from Witham's.

I am filling in the VTG1 form and have run into a brick wall. does anybody know how to get round this:

In order to register it the DVLA say it needs an MOT 

In order to get a MOT it needs the Tachograph Calibrated

In order to get the Tachograph Calibrated it needs an Registration number. DVSA tester says its impossible to pass MOT without Tacho ticket even though the tacho calibration is to take place at the same place and time as MOT.

Is there a work around?


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I thanks I did speak to them and they were very po faced but from her tone I thought that there was possibly a way round this so I sort of planned to send off the VTG1 and see what happens. 

I have booked it in for an MOT in September and so have plenty of time. 

Thanks for the advice it is appreciated. 


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Normally when first registering an ex-MoD vehicle, eg a motorcycle in my case, you can drive it to an MoT station (having booked in) and it is MoT'd using the chassis/engine nos.. Then you can get it registered by DVLA with an age related number based on something such as an MVT letter saying what it is and when built.  Does this not apply to tachograph stuff?

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No it’s fully commercial it will be ultimately registered as a special vehicle. 

As I understand it all lorries currently being registered whatever the use have to have an MOT and in order they need a tachograph which is where the trouble starts. 

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If all else fails, could you declare it to be exempt, e.g.exemption 17 in the link. Once you have an MoT have the tacho calibrated.                        



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Wow, thanks I now realise that I have been driving my DAF for 8 years believing it is exempt from tachograph rules when it probably wasn’t. Still it never had a tachograph anyhow.

I have been thinking that Aggriculture is probably the way to go. Then reregister it later. In that view I will need to go down to a farm and take some pictures with lots of cuddly animals. 

Thanks again for the info. 

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42 minutes ago, Murfster said:

I think if the tacho is broke you cant get like for like these days you will have to fit a digi tacho.

A quick search shows that there are a number of analogue tachograph repairers.

If the lorry is manufactured before 1st May 2006 then you may use an analogue tachograph.

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Yes I know something of this because when I registered my DAF there was a debate about fitting a tachograph which didn't worry me too much but as I investigated it I became more alarmed.

Because they were never fitted when new VOSA would consider them as new vehicles and they would need a digital tachograph PLUS a digital speed limiter. at that time the cost would have been around £2500  or about what the whole truck cost  at the time. The Tacho guy I was talking to at the time reckoned that nobody would notice but I wonder.

In the end I declared it tacho exempt and never bothered but as you say times have moved on and the rules have changed. 

i am still stuck as there is no manufacturers plate but I have a Certificate of conformity. The guys at DAF were used to answering these questions probably because they sold so many of them. The folk at Renault dont really know what to do.

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It has got to be possible to get the tacho calibrated before the vehicle is registered. You may need to be forceful and insist it has to happen. If you leave it to DVSA to decide, they will get stuck in a loop and you'll never get a decision out of them.

The reason they want a registration is simply so they can cross-reference the calibration against a particular vehicle. There is no logical reason why this shouldn't be the chassis number in the case of a previously unregistered vehicle.

What do your tacho calibration people say?

 - MG

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Just spoke to my pal who is the tacho calibrator at a large DAF dealer, he was sure that the tacho (analogue or digital) could be calibrated against the VIN number.  He also rang the tacho training officer who agreed with him and suggested your calibration center read their 'special notices' which explain the procedure.


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